Cyber Attack Takes Down Anyone, Even Small County Records

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Do you think you’re having a bad day? How about this: a county in Southern Oregon got hit by a ransomware attack and is basically out of business as a county. Cyber attacks, cyber security, and cyber insurance were all things that were unknown even four or five years ago, and now they’re creating a huge need for information for consumers. Now, Curry County, Oregon is basically starting from scratch because all their computers are wiped out.

In this episode, we'll discuss the ransomware event that targeted Curry County, how it has devastated the county's records, and how to protect yourself from ransomware events.

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Protecting your business from cyber threats is crucial, and having a solid cyber liability insurance policy in place is a vital part of that protection. If you have any questions about insurance, our experienced professionals can help you assess your business's unique risks and provide tailored recommendations for the right coverage to keep your business safe and secure. Don't wait until it's too late; take the first step towards a safer future for your business today.
Cyber Attack Takes Down Anyone, Even Small County Records
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