Are Humans Or Robots Better For Customer Service?

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And our various businesses we get a lot of phone calls and people tell us all the time I just wanted to call because I want to talk to an actual human being. I don't want to talk to a machine. I want to deal with a person. direct well is that really true? According to this article and survey from the hill. Many people prefer robots over humans. Is that true And what when they say many what's the percentage. What do you think Do you rather deal with automated systems or an actual human let's Look at the details. According to the article, the survey was watching people in a grocery store checkout area and a customer approach a checkout area They scan the options and decided to wait in line for the automated checkout. Instead of walking right up to a cashier that was available. So they started doing surveys and the response said that. I don't want the human cashier looking at what I'm buying I don't care for their opinions of what I'm getting. So is interaction with a person more of a negative or positive Well I think it depends on the environment, a cashier. You don't need their help Really You don't need to ask them questions or interact with them. But what about areas where you do need to ask questions? Maybe a professional advice maybe an attorney, maybe insurance agent, maybe it's, some other type of technical profession. Do you prefer to deal with the human or automated responses from email or chat bots or online? What do you prefer as a consumer There seems to be a trend where a substantial element of the public wants to deal with robo. because of. Humans are opinionated. And machines leave the impression that they are not. Some of it's about minimizing time consumed where you can go faster through automated, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that you don't have to deal with the drama of talking to another person. So was it about context is some automation preferred and some not. And in what areas would you prefer to talk to a human versus having to talk to a robot or chat bot or some other automated system? Which is better?.

Are Humans Or Robots Better For Customer Service?
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