You're Not A Vehicle "Owner", Only A "Keeper" UK Law

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Every country has a different set of rules and regulations for vehicle titling, registration, and ownership. In this episode, we'll explain what it means to be a "keeper" of a vehicle according to UK law and how it's different from being the "owner"

…Did you know that in England or great Britain? Also called the United Kingdom…You are not considered to be the owner of a car you're considered to be the keeper of a car. Our friends in…that part of the world can…Comment below and let us know. Your thoughts on this but they have a document called a V…it's a piece of documentation about your car It's a book that you keep in the car. And every car in England as far as we understand it has to do this. It's a log book a paper document is. by their division of licensing. Issue to the registered keeper of a vehicle. It contains specific details about the car. It needs to be updated to reflect changes. Anytime you change the name and address associated with your car or sell your vehicle to a new keeper Think about that. You're not considered an owner, you're considered a keeper of the vehicle It's kind of like you're borrowing it. From somebody.. Or borrowing it from the government. It contains a reference number that you use to pay your vehicle excise duty which is a road tax. If the car's modified you have to put it in a log book…If it's written off for scrap meaning salvage or insurance in our country they call it. that. You have to let them know that too. Contrary to popular belief V five C is not actually proof of ownership. You are a keeper. Insurance certificates are digital but you have to have a paper form of this log book. It's likely to remain a physical paper document for the future because it prevents fraud. So. This is different than how we do it in the United States. You're considered an owner registered owner titled owner. In. This country you're considered the keeper. Is this something that could happen here? We've talked before about the changes in vehicle ownerships There are some electric vehicle manufacturers that are talking about. Not selling vehicles but leasing batteries. To vehicles with the idea that it's cheaper but you're not going to own anything. How does this work in English? Well if you're selling a car. You have to find that…to give to a potential buyer when you do a deal and you have to keep it in a safe place. Why don't you have agreed on a deal to sell your car You have to inform DL D V L a that the owner of the vehicle has changed. And you have to put it in the book. There's a paper document that goes into book. What do you do when you're buying a car? You have to check beforehand that the owner has that document. Because if they need to get a replacement they have to do that before they sell it. The taxes also follow the car, meaning that. You need to check if the taxes are paid.. So that if you don't take ownership you don't have any remaining road tax When you purchased the car. This already happens in a couple of states in the United States. In California if the taxes are not paid for that vehicle or registrations or it's not put in off-road status or non-op status, the taxes will go with the vehicle to the new owner. So this is already kind of creeping over into our country. The document of course also contains information about emissions, which may be an important if you live in an area that has to have low emissions and charges a fee for vehicles that don't meet the standards, the car status is also recorded So if you're buying a classic car make sure it qualifies You have to have it listed as a historic vehicle. The VFC also confirms who is the registered keeper of the vehicle. This is really a different thought process than we have in this country where you have owners not keepers. And it may be something that is contagious We may find that vehicles are no longer. Considered owned by people There's already talk about. having shared vehicle usage a pool of vehicles in some ways. Uber. And Lyft do that There are other companies that have shared vehicle usage and it may be something that spreads our country's a little different than, Cities in Europe where they're closer together. But. It may be something that manufacturers governments try to, convert. Ownership. In our country to tell us what you think in the comments about this. Being a vehicle keeper versus a vehicle owner.

You're Not A Vehicle "Owner", Only A "Keeper" UK Law
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