Will Older Cars Be Banned From The Roads In The Coming Years?

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What are the future roads of America going to look like? Will we still be driving around in our old cars, or will they be gone? We're seeing a push for electric vehicles, and at the same time, some states like Nevada are rolling back the eligibility for older cars to be roadworthy. Will older cars be allowed on the road in the coming years? What's driving the market to try to eliminate older cars from the roads?

…Here's another ominous preview of what might be coming for the future of older vehicles whether they're classics or even cars that are just regular cars that are a few years older, we've seen the push for electric vehicles and all kinds of laws about. Getting rid of older vehicles off the road Remember back in. the two thousands there was that. Cash for clunkers program that the government put in place to get older cars off the road. And a lot of people thought it was good but many people believe that it was a way. keep older cars from staying in service. Well here's another example in Nevada, they're going to really roll back the eligibility for, they call it classic cars but really any car. That is older than the 1980s And they're also talking about moving that year up a little bit. So in Nevada like many states they have a classic car plate classic car registration that You can get for older cars. So Nevada. Is changing. That to make the law require a smog check…Classic cars don't have smog equipment They're not going to pass the same emissions. You also have to have special insurance on that car and it can only be driven 5,000 miles per year…So think about it. Here's an example of a 1970s era Jeep. You have that Jeep is not really. An antique car. You could have a 1980. Two. four truck. A lot of people use those every day. You won't be able to drive it more than 5,000 miles a year. In addition it can't be your only car, many times when you buy classic car insurance, the insurance company. Requires that you have proof of another car that's your daily driver So they know that you're not using this classic antique vehicle. So this could affect a lot of people that are lower income. Maybe that just want to keep old cars Cause they're easier to work on cheaper to fix. Let me look at this old Ford truck. You know that thing needs a carburetor or brakes or shocks It's easy to fix You can do it in your driveway Modern cars have computers and you need special tools. You have to bring it to the dealership. A lot of times people like to keep older cars Cause they're easier to work on. Not in Nevada You can't keep that car You can't drive that car. So not only if you're a resident of Nevada. should you pay attention to this But also…if you're a resident of other states look for this as a trend that you may see spreading throughout the country to try to keep people from retaining and using their older vehicles. And forcing an upgrade to a newer more computerized car In fact…New cars that are manufactured after 2026, all of them are required to have a kill switch That could be triggered remotely. So the governor. or an insurance company or police agency can kill your car even if it's not an electric car. They can remotely turn off your car. Now they say it's for the purpose of preventing drunk driving, which may seem like a. noble cause. But. Is it a coincidence that they're trying to get rid of older cars at the same time they're making new cars. Able to be shut off remotely by. An authority. Type organization.

Will Older Cars Be Banned From The Roads In The Coming Years?
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