Will Gas Stoves Be Banned In 2023?

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…If you're a builder are you aware that some places are starting to ban the gas stoves in homes and even…The expansion of this idea is going beyond just states like California or Washington Oregon in New York. It's going nationwide. According to recent news a federal agency says a ban on gas stoves is on the table. Because there's concern about health problems inside homes, the us consumer product safety commission plans on taking action. to basically banning gas stoves making gas stoves, and unsafe product that you can't install You can't sell. How's that going to affect the remodeling market the new home market. is it going to make it harder or easier to build homes? Is it better for you as a builder a contractor to build a house without gas and only with electrical? One of their options that's on the table is barring the manufacturer or import of gas stoves That's what they're talking about at the consumer product safety commission. they're talking about. getting, lawmakers involved asking the commission to consider warning labels, performance standards. this is something that's. Advancing some states have already done it California has done it. New York has done it. Washington state has done it…Expanding this to a nationwide ban on gas stoves would be a big deal And they even look at doing this in commercial environments commercial kitchens can't use gas stoves in some places…nearly a hundred cities and counties have already done this The New York city council voted to ban natural gas hookups in new buildings smaller than seven stories. So this is something that is not brand new. If anything is getting more traction it's gathering more momentum. The argument that the other side makes is that, you know the national home appliance council. They're saying that look it doesn't matter What kind of stove you have. There's still emissions When you cook vacant, you cook bacon on a…electric stove there's still going to be smoke right? So you still have to have a hood and a fan and everything else. The arguments are…on both sides The question is what is the right answer And from a building and contractor point of view what is your opinion and what do you think should happen from the standpoint of construction or remodeling of residential property?

Will Gas Stoves Be Banned In 2023?
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