Will Electric Vehicle Subscription Apps Take The Place Of Traditional Car Buying?

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In this episode, we explore how electric vehicle subscription apps may be the future of car ownership. With so many things different about electric vehicles, one thing is how you buy them. You don't buy an electric vehicle—you subscribe to it! Here is a company called Drive It Away that does subscriptions to vehicles where you're not buying it, you're not leasing it—you're just paying for a subscription. How will this new subscription model impact the future of car ownership? Looking to browse used electric vehicles? Check out UsedEvs.com, updated weekly to feature used electric vehicles from across the country.

So many things are different about electric vehicles . One thing is how you buy them . We saw the other day the company called Tenet that does a balloon program where you have a you don't have to finance the whole thing You can hold some of it out . To get a rebate from the taxes . Here today comes a company . called drive it away That does subscriptions to vehicles where you're not buying it You're not leasing it You're just paying for a subscription . And they have a financial plan that allows you to just drive the car and you could probably switch the car around to . And the way they word it is it's an app . That regardless of credit you can immediately start driving a new bolt Evie . Through a turnkey vehicle subscription . It includes insurance maintenance service . All the details You need to have a vehicle . And this is a full plug-in electric vehicle This is the type of modern financial technology That's going to be attached to new types of vehicles . electric vehicles To make the ownership . Experience different from gasoline vehicles . These companies are realizing that electric vehicles are a rapidly growing segment of what people sell . And . The use of the vehicle might be . Non traditional You might not need it for three four weeks If you're working from home you might not need it for a month . So that subscription allows you to use it for different intervals . So be aware that not only are electric vehicles different in . The vehicle . Architecture . But the ownership experience and payment structure might be different . Then . Traditional legacy ownership buying leasing money down interest rates . It might be a more apt driven . Experience like everything else in modern technology .

Will Electric Vehicle Subscription Apps Take The Place Of Traditional Car Buying?
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