Will Anyone Own Gas or Electric Cars by 2035?

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The next vehicle you buy could be the last GAS-powered vehicle you ever own; on the other hand, the next vehicle you buy could be the last ELECTRIC vehicle you ever own. What do we mean by that? Well, as you know there's a lot of pressure coming from government agencies and auto manufacturers to switch from gasoline to electric vehicles. However, with the laws to transition in place, manufacturers are now finding that they may not be able to produce as many EVs as needed because of shortages of raw materials. What does this mean for the future of private transportation?

…You know the next vehicle you buy could be the last gas powered vehicle you ever owned. On the other hand the next vehicle you buy could be the last electric vehicle you ever own. What do we mean by that Well, as you know there's a lot of pressure. Coming from government agencies. Auto manufacturers, all kinds of places to switch everybody over. From gasoline to electric vehicles whether you agree with that or not whether you, you. Subscribe to that idea. That's what there's a big push for. The question is is it kind of stick…it's still unknown Whether or not the…The logic or the business model of electric vehicles is going to work Is there enough chargers or is there enough capacity? Is there enough people that want to buy them…But if it keeps going the way it is in three or four years there may not be many desirable…Gasoline vehicles available to buy there's certainly there will be some, but the good ones might not be for sale anymore. Many manufacturers are already saying. They're not going to make gasoline vehicles They're not coming out with any new models. And they're forcing dealers to only sell electric vehicles. Ford told its dealers that. If you don't. Switch over to electric vehicle retailing You're basically Can I not have a dealership? Buick told all its dealers we'll buy you out. If you don't sell electric vehicles…It's getting so serious that they're even starting to now. Force. Airline airplane manufacturers to make electric airplanes They're trying to get. Fuel not to be used you know jet fuel kerosene, not to be used in airplane So if they're trying to make electric airplanes there must be really serious about electric cars…But is it going to work? Right. You might buy an electric car in three four years but you might find out three or four years later the whole thing collapses And there's not enough. Infrastructure to keep with electric And everybody goes back to gas who knows? But if it goes away it's going, there may not be gasoline cars to buy. In three or four or five years 2028 2029. Look everybody talks about 2030. As the year where all the. states and manufacturers are putting a ban on. Gasoline vehicles 2030 30, 2 35 whatever it is. It sounds like a long ways away but it's really not. Right now we're knocking on the door of 2023. So let's round it off Call it 2023 to. 2030 will be seven years from now…If you go back in time from 2023 minus seven years that was 2000 and…call it 2016. Think back in 2016 what were you doing? It's not that long ago. You can think back to that easily…The car you have might even be from 2016 or older…The house that you live in you've lived in since 2000…So…2030 is just a blink of an eye. It's not that far away. So if gasoline vehicles will not be available or really anyone that you want to buy, what are you going to do? 3 4, 5, 6 years from now…So whatever you have now for gasoline vehicles or whatever you buy in the next couple of years might be the last gasoline vehicle you ever owned. Everything after that might be electric. Plan your life accordingly. Think about how you travel think about how you commute think about how you take trips. What'd you do on the weekends? It all might change because you don't. Link about it every day but your fueling. And refueling. Regiment. Is based on driving couple hundred miles stopping for a minute filling up driving another few hundred miles. Right You don't really have to plan. A lot of time. To refuel or re extend the range of a vehicle You don't have to plan for time. Forget about the. The availability of chargers…Right because that's a whole nother story. Gas stations You can't. Swing a dead cat and not hit a gas station. Right Gas stations are everywhere. When you're driving most places every minute or two you hit a gas station. For electric you might have to drive an hour hour and a half to hit a charging station…Certainly there may be more of them in a few years. Not as many as gas stations certainly, but there'll be more of them. Bye. having one available isn't really the issue Is it? When you fill up for gas right now it takes you a minute or two. What if it takes you an hour or two? How is that going to change? Going for. A weekend trip How is it going to change? Going for a day trip. What do you do on a Saturday Do you drive through the country You go look at the fall leaves. You go skiing. How is that going to change that trip If there you have to add two or three hours for charging time. Into that schedule…Do you leave yourself two or three hours extra time in your trips Now you might have to in the future, do you have a plugin charger in your house…We needed a two 40…Circuit. Same as your dryer, your range hot water heater, air conditioner. In your garage. Maybe you might want to do that now. Because the cost of doing this is going to go up. In the future. You can get electrician to run that now it's still gonna cost you money. But having that in your home. If it costs you five or 600 now might cost you 1500 to 2003 years down the road. That might be a good investment. Whatever you're getting your investment in stock market or your other. you know interest rates. Saving a thousand dollars in three years on a $500 investment for a charger might be the best rate of return you get on anything…Something to think about put your comments below let us know what you think. Do you think this Evie thing is going to happen or is it going to backfire and we're all go back to gas at some point in the future. Put your comments below.

Will Anyone Own Gas or Electric Cars by 2035?
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