Why Do So Many Luxury Cars Have Montana Tags?

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Why do so many luxury cars have Montana license plates? In this episode, we'll explain why many people with luxury cars and motor homes are registering their vehicles in Montana. We'll also discuss how the process works, creating an LLC in Montana, and insurance considerations if you were to use this process.

Why do you see so many Montana license plates all over the country especially on motor homes RVs and sometimes high-end expensive vehicles . Well the reason why is there are some advantages that people may use . Through titling and registering a vehicle in the state of Montana . That could be advantageous for an owner who may be a full-time RV or maybe has multiple houses multiple addresses , and the two most common things that are . advantages have to do with sales tax . And the titling process . The state of Montana . Does not charge sales tax on vehicles . So if you have a vehicle that you're purchasing and you can title it in Montana if it's legal , You may be able to avoid having to pay sales tax , where you would have to pay if you title it in a different state Now you want to make sure you're following all proper laws and regulations and you're not doing tax fraud . Or tax . avoidance . But if you legitimately have , a multiple state residency or you're a full-time RV IR , or you have some domicile in Montana . You may be able to title your vehicle in that state . And not have to pay sales tax . However , in order to do this you will have to create a corporation in the state of Montana unless you're a resident with a Montana license , but that's not what most people do . Most people are residents of another state . or multiple states and they form a corporation in Montana . and title the vehicle in that corporate name . So you'll have some corporation filing fees usually a couple hundred bucks . and you may have to pay a service to be a registered agent in Montana to title the vehicle in that state . you also have to consider insurance . Issues because if you get vehicle insurance , For . A motor vehicle titled in Montana . You're representing to your insurance company that that's where it's domiciled . That's where it's what they call garage . So you want to make sure you're not misrepresenting . Your garage location to your insurance company And here's why . You might think that you could just tell them Hey it's in Montana . But if you have any type of a claim an accident . Or damage . Whether it's your fault or not . You may have issues that the insurance company wants to deny your claim . If you've misrepresented on your application where it's located , why do they do this Well , If they're giving you an insurance rate based on . Having your vehicle Most of the time driving in Montana might be a lower rate because it's a safer state , but if it turns out . Let's say you live in a big city downtown Seattle . Or downtown Chicago . And the rates would be higher there because of more theft more accidents , more damage . You might be accidentally unintentionally committing insurance fraud So you want to make sure you get good legal advice from an attorney . That you get good insurance advice from your insurance agent . Before . You place insurance on the vehicle in Montana you may be able to get my . insurance for your Montana title vehicle . And still have a garage address elsewhere . Just make sure your scenario matches the true use of this process . But that's the reason why there are so many exotic vehicles High-end vehicles . expensive motor homes . That have Montana license plates on them . Because of those advantages Next time you're driving by a An RV resort . Or an exotic car . Rally look at the license plate and see how many are Montana . Even if you're not anywhere near Montana And that's the reason why because there are some savings and advantages for the tiling process by having your paperwork come from the state of Montana .

Why Do So Many Luxury Cars Have Montana Tags?
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