Why Are Used Cars Prices So High?

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Are we headed toward an economic recession? Will prices go down any time soon? Car dealers don't think so. Even cars that are less than 2 years old are selling for more used than they sold when they were new. What's going on with the used car market? Are prices so high because dealers know that there aren't any new models coming? In this episode, we'll talk about how the market for used cars is changing and what it means for you as a buyer or seller of used vehicles.

Inflation is up . Economy may be in a recession . Everybody's expecting . Prices to crash . The same time real estate investors are buying up properties but what about cars ? People are saying that car prices that spiked up are going to go down . Well , At least at this point dealers don't think so . Here's a vehicle in the used car inventory of a local dealer . It's a 2020 pre-owned . Chrysler hybrid van . This is a minivan from Chrysler . this particular car has 18,000 miles on it . And it's currently priced at $49,000 Is that a lot of money Is it not a lot of money ? Well let's take a look . Here's the window sticker when their car was brand new we researched the VIN number which is right here . In the ad . It ends in 4 8, 7, 9 . Here's the original new car window sticker . Of that vehicle for 8, 7, 9 . When it was brand . new it's sold for $49,330 . It's the same vehicle . That's currently selling for 49,000 . Plus shipping fees I'm guessing the shipping fees are more than $330 . So more than likely . This car will sell . Two and a half years later . With 18,000 miles for more than it was new . What does that say about the used car market Well at least for this dealer , they're not too scared about not selling cars . That they're not taking a shot with this price Will they get it ? I don't know We'll take a look in a week or two to see if it's still for sale . Dealers don't Price cars in a way that don't sell because if they did they would never sell any cars They price them at a number that has a reasonable opportunity . For getting the car sold . What does this say for the used car market Well as of the middle to end of July 2022 . The dealers aren't running scared yet . Because they're still pricing cars . As a used car what is sold for new ? Being two or three years old What are you seeing in your market ? Are you able to find used cars ? It could be . That the dealers know that new cars aren't coming . There's no more new cars on the way Because if they were , they wouldn't be taking shots with these used cars . There's no new cars in inventory . And maybe they know something We don't look at our other video for a clue on that There may not be any more new cars come in anytime soon . That's why I use cars are still high.

Why Are Used Cars Prices So High?
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