Why Are More Companies Canceling Job Offers To New Recruits?  

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The labor shortage is real. At least, that's what we've been told... But if there's a shortage of labor, why are companies rescinding job offers to new recruits? Join us as we dig into the issue and discuss whether or not this really is a problem.

So how bad is the economy and how bad is it going to get So here's an article from the wall street journal about how companies are starting to rescind job offers . What does what does this what's going on here I thought there was a labor shortage I thought it was hard to find employees and there's companies that are backing out of job offers to recruits . And obviously if you're recruited it's not like this is . A long-term thing You talk to them maybe within the last few weeks or month . Well what's happening is companies are starting to see . That the future market a future economy may not be as robust as they thought it was going to Maybe they thought they needed more employees because they thought there was going to be growth . Maybe they needed them more employees for their current . Revenue stream , but they see that it's starting to decline . Is this across the board Is it in certain industries when according to the article . Different industries especially are resending offers . A lot of it has to do with insurance retail marketing consulting and recruiting . Well those are all intangible products and services They're not tangible . some other companies are starting to cut back on hiring maybe not rescinding offers , but cutting back on hiring This is across the board of company size small companies large companies are all doing this . In fact we're seeing it without of our clients that . They're not necessarily laying people off . But there are conversations about adding staff I have been halted . There . Plans for adding different divisions or positions as being halted . Some companies are starting to consolidate jobs . And using automation . To pick up the slack Why automation Well , The cost of an . employee has gone up . Whether it's a minimum wage employee or a mid-level executive or a higher level employee . The wage . Levels have gone up across the board . So adding another employee now costs more than it did even two or three years ago . So in order to get the ROI and then employee you have to make sure that you have the revenue for it . And if you don't . Then you don't want to add that employee Maybe if you need additional staffing , you take two jobs merging into one and use some automation or AI or some type of technology . To make the process more efficient . So that you can . still get the job done with the same number of footprint of staff . We have a client that's a company has 42 employees . They're planning on doing . Another 15 or 20% . In revenue , but half of that comes from inflation meaning that their prices are going to go up . The other half maybe six or 8% is going to come from . Additional sales volume transactions . They normally would need to add . Two or three staff to handle that . They're not going to at anybody . They're going to merge . Five jobs . Into . to employees . And use automation and some technologies and tools . To perform the same amount of tasks . That the five people would have done . They would rather have more people , but the cost of adding the staff and more recently the the Reliability of the extra staff is low Meaning that you hire somebody you recruit them and train them and they don't stay . So they're going to automation . There's a lot of great . FinTech tools out there that you can use to perform the tasks who multiple people , this is even happening at the . The retail side . The next time you go to a McDonald's . Look at how the ordering process is done You don't need five people on the front counter You have kiosks even look at the drive through window . When you go to pick up your food at the drive-thru . Your drinks are filled by a machine . They don't have a person that takes the cup puts it under the thing and fills it up and puts it back on the counter . There's a little carousel of empty cups that go through . They see the orders in the system and it fills up the cup automatically . Now the window person has to pick it up and put it on the window for you to take , but they don't actually have to do the job that doesn't replace an entire employee . But it might replace . 20 or 30% of one person's work time . So they can consolidate jobs . The labor market going up and increase costs have . Forced a lot of employers to have to do this Is this a good or a bad thing That's not really the point of this conversation It's more to show that companies are doing more of this to try to sustain themselves . With the same type of long-term ROI that they did with the same number of employees . Tell us what you're seeing in your company or in your area with regard to employment automation . And hiring practices of companies .

Why Are More Companies Canceling Job Offers To New Recruits?  
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