What Will Happen To The US After November 2022?

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In this episode, we'll talk about what could happen in the US after November 2022. In the past, we've been through major perceived and actual events that have changed society completely. Is this what will happen after the next election in November 2022? What's going on in November that makes this time so significant?

So in the last 20 or 30 years or so there have been several major perceived and actual events that have changed society We've had the big Y2K scare where everybody thought the world was going to come to an end. In 2000, we had the financial crisis of 2008 where companies are going out of business. Real estate was crashing Mortgage rates were going crazy. some of the major financial institutions went out of business the stock market crash unemployment. And then, about 14 years later, we had the…big pandemic that hit and that changed things overnight And in the meantime there were smaller. events that happened you had some cultural changes You had some, logistical changes in society. in politics. But there's something coming up. Which might eclipse all of those. And that event could be. November. Of 2022 or maybe December of 2022. And why is November 22 ? A significant potential event Well, there's going to be a major election…In November of 2022. That election is the first. One. Of the major…ruling policymaking body of the United States. Since. The pandemic. Since the cultural upheaval. Of…The last two three years. And since the market. polarization. Of society that happened over the last 24 months It's the first time we've had a major election. Yeah We had a presidential election in 2000. in 20. but that was right at the beginning of when this was happening And it was just one person who was the president which. Believe it or not, mint seemed like the most powerful person but they don't have all the lawmaking capability in the legislative body There's still a balance. Why is this going to be an issue Well, As you know right now there are basically two teams two sides of culture society politics in this country. Left and right Red and blue. Whatever you want to call it. And…there could not be more. At odds. with each other right now than they have been in modern history. There's really no crossover anymore You used to be. Commonality They used to be at least some middle ground. Now it's either all or nothing on either side. What's going to happen in November of 2022 is one side is going to win. One side it's going to take over control and power and exert their will and their strategy for running a society on the entire society. The other side's not going to really have any say in it. It's not going to be. a. The scenario where there'll be inclusion there'll be input from the other side It doesn't matter which side we're talking about I'm just saying someone's going to win and it's winner take all. In this case, and this will be different. You know back in. The. Mid eighties We had. A conservative, Republican red whatever you want to call it. ruling class that at least. Had a message of compassionate conservatism. Right They had social programs. granted you can still point and they were you know, hard right Or they'd had a lot of traditional. Conservative Republican right-leaning policies, but they at least had a message of compassionate conservative They wanted everybody to have a place in the tent again whether or not they did it enough or not That's a different story but at least they had the intention of doing that fast forward 10 years later. Yeah had a democratic…Ruling class that. Had some right-leaning factors They had a lot of involvement with wars. They had some major changes in deregulation for companies. They also cut back on a lot of social programs as Democrats. So there was crossover on both sides. So the eighties had compassionate conservatism. The nineties had warmongering and, deregulation Democrats. So there was always that crossover that yin and yang that balance…We may not have any balance after November and it doesn't matter which side you're on. It's going to be bad. Because even if you're on the side, that takes. power. Creating that conflict without any balance is going to. When you don't have balance it creates upheaval. So. It's possible that there could be some cultural consequences There could be financial consequences…You know, there could be. events. Upheavals. Who knows. But I think that there's a blind spot in society that. This election is the same as any other ones I'm just going to when someone's going to lose the differences there is very little. Connection between the two sides that kind of kept each other in check Have you got other imbalance ? And that could create some significant anxiety. Or some significant. Pain and trauma. For whichever side doesn't have things go their way, but even if you are on the side that things go your way. You may find that that. Full exercise of. We don't take all, might even change things for your own perspective That might not be as beneficial as you think. Put your comments below let us know what you think about. What happens after November ? What's going to change. Is it going to open up the flood gates for a lot of extreme thinking one way or another ? And is that going to affect the day to day running of the culture running of the society in a way that. Makes us live in a way that we never did before…

What Will Happen To The US After November 2022?
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