What To Expect When You Buy A Used EV

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The number of electric vehicles on the road is growing, and as they become more popular, more used EVs will be entering the resale market. In this episode, we'll talk about how to successfully buy a used EV, how to evaluate its condition and its battery health, and what's driving the rising price of second-hand EVs.

…As electric vehicles become more popular and ubiquitous in the vehicle marketplace. You're gonna start seeing a lot more. Used electric vehicles come into the resale market…Some of the vehicles that have been around the longest are Tesla Nissan leaf and some of the other ones. So as these now become two and three and four year old vehicles. A used car market starts to materialize for these cars And the question is how much are they going to cost ? How much is the used electric vehicle ? Well you can get an idea of some of the asking prices on our website used evs, but you can also look at this article from Yahoo finance, and it'll give you an estimate on what you can expect to pay for the popular type of used electric vehicles And they talk about the Tesla model three which is. Right around 50 grand the Nissan leaf it's just over 20. same with the BMW I3. And the Chevy volt is still really really close to 30. even know there has been some controversy around that car. And of course the model X is still an expensive vehicle. This is an estimate of what the market shows for these types of cars…Electric vehicles are now going to become more popular Now the most important thing is to make sure that the battery has good health. A lender. called tenant has come out in the marketplace with a new lending. function for electric vehicles and they have a section how to extend my vehicle life. Line the battery. Longevity is effected by four factors, exposure to high temperatures one parked. charging to a hundred percent This is something a lot of people want to do if you're on the road. And do you want to extend your range ? You're on a long road trip You want to charge it up to a hundred percent so you can go farther. But that may reduce your battery life. And also fast charging, you know if you're. on a trip you're halfway somewhere and your range is going to zero and you want to finish your trip You might go to a fast charger to get back on the road quickly rather than having to wait an hour or two and an EV charging station. But fast charging will reduce your longevity. And then also, While the car's in storage. Making sure that you keep the battery topped off but also don't let it go too high temperatures. These are things we've talked about before and our website. EV checkout gives you ways to test a battery on a proposed purchase of an electric vehicle used electric vehicle to make sure it's in good shape. Unlike a gasoline vehicle where you can check things like. compression on the engine and do testing on the oil…Electric vehicle does not have a gasoline engine. The battery is the most expensive…mechanical part If you'd call it that in a vehicle and buying a used electric vehicle with a bad battery might defeat the whole purpose of saving money on a used vehicle because the batteries can be 10 $20,000 just for a battery. And if you're buying even, you know a Tesla model three. For 50 grand and needs a $20,000 battery. You really didn't save anything. So have your battery tested and make sure you find a good one. And use these tips to make sure that you don't ruin the battery of your electric vehicle. As you. Use the car as an owner. In a way that will degrade the longevity of that battery.

What To Expect When You Buy A Used EV
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