What To Do When You've Been Scammed Online

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As technology evolves, so do the skills of online scammers looking to make a quick buck. If you were to realize you were being scammed, would you know the next steps to take to recover funds and catch the scammer? In this episode, we'll discuss the top things to do IMMEDIATELY after realizing you have been scammed by someone online. The quicker you act, the more likely you may be to identify the scammer before they go ghost.

…If you have been a victim of some type of online scam or fraud, there's a few steps you need to take immediately. To prevent further damage but also to maximize the chances that you might get some of your money back Number one, obviously stop sending any money. Don't send them anymore. Number two is to start collecting evidence make screenshots. Copies of text messages, log emails. Log websites. In fact if you go on. your email account, what you'll find is there's a button in your email provider could be Gmail Hotmail. whatever you're using to get the email header information and that won't just have their email address, it'll show their IP address their pathway their trace route, many other pieces of information, and you want to save all that. Saving the file even if you don't know what to do with it save it. So if it gets deleted or it gets revoked, you'll have access to it. If you've made payment through a platform, Like telegram WhatsApp. Zelle. Venmo. Save the handles of that person. Go into that person's activity and show what other activity is appearing because they may cancel that account At some point, you want to gather the evidence while you can. If you have had any kind of screen conversations with them, take screenshots and log in to get records of that. If you've done a video conference, get a photo of the person. If you have a website. They were linked to…Go to that website take a screenshot now. There'll be other source code behind the website that might be applicable, but you won't be able to get that right away Just get a screenshot of the front page of the website. If the activity occurred online you want to report it to IC three which is a division of the FBI I remember like we've talked to before, they will not take action…On most. frauds but they will log it into their system…Do not stop communicating with the other party. Don't send them any more money Don't give me any more. Personal information Don't give them copies of driver's license or copies of credit cards, but just answer their inquiry saying I'm too busy I'll get back to you. Right. You don't want to call them out on their fraud, probably because that will eliminate the possibility of using the communication to gather more evidence. But you also don't want to get yourself in any deeper or put yourself in the position of potential harm. Make sure your personal safety is secured If you feel at all concerned about. The risk to you. physically. Just call your local police department and let them know, they'll know what to do. You want to make sure you're gathering evidence without creating any more harm or damage also think to see if they have any of your personal information Did they have your social security number? Do they have your credit card number? Do they have your driver's license If so you may want to. cancel those and get new ones issued. So you don't fall into further harm or losses. Once that's done At least you can take a breather and figure out what you want to do next about maybe recovering the assets but that's a whole nother story You want to protect yourself first, so you don't lose anything else beyond what's already been squandered.

What To Do When You've Been Scammed Online
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