What Is NOT Covered Under Cyber Insurance: Understanding the Gaps

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The recent cyber attack on CDK Global, a major provider of technical platforms for automotive dealerships.

Case Study
This attack serves as a significant case study in understanding how cyber attacks impact businesses and the responses from clients, third parties, and insurance companies.

  • The attack affected 15,000 car dealerships.
  • Many dealerships were effectively shut down for about a week, unable to sell or service vehicles.
  • Some dealerships resorted to using pen and paper, but many were unable to operate.
  • CDK eventually resolved the issue, but the legal process is now beginning.
  • Dealerships are filing insurance claims for losses, including lost sales and overtime costs.
Insurance Coverage Considerations:
  • It's crucial to understand what your insurance policy covers, especially regarding cyber liability.
  • Standard policies may only cover direct hacks, not third-party breaches.
  • Business Interruption Insurance (BII) may not apply unless there’s physical damage to the premises.
  • Commercial insurance policies are often complex with various layers of coverage, endorsements, and exclusions.
  • Cyber attacks are becoming the biggest risk to most companies, more so than natural disasters or other types of losses.
  • Consider obtaining a standalone cyber liability policy.
  • Consult your insurance agent or broker to understand your coverage and exclusions.
  • Know what you're covered for and make informed decisions about additional insurance needs.
Conclusion: Cyber liability and cyber attacks represent an evolving risk landscape. Understanding your insurance coverage is crucial to protecting your business from these new threats.

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What Is NOT Covered Under Cyber Insurance: Understanding the Gaps
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