What is "Fraudulent Conveyance"?

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So what constitutes a fraudulent conveyance? Fraudulent conveyance is a legal term used by attorneys or in the court to identify payments or transfers or hidden assets that were sent away from somebody who’s trying to hide assets. In this episode, we'll discuss examples of fraudulent conveyance from cases we've encountered in the past. Keep in mind, we're not attorneys nor are we giving legal advice.

…So what constitutes a fraudulent conveyance Fraudulent conveyance is a legal term used by attorneys or in the core. To identify. Payments or transfers or hidden assets that were sent away from somebody who's trying to hide assets Now remember we're not attorneys we're not giving you legal advice, but we're telling you what we've seen in working on cases in the past. So you can apply that maybe to your case or get with a qualified attorney to get proper legal advice But that being said, a fraudulent conveyance is when a party who is a debtor who owes money or is about to owe money in a lawsuit. Take some assets whether they're cash real estate vehicles corporate assets intellectual property UCC any type of asset. And transfers them out of their name out of their vesting or titling. For the purpose of keeping it or shielding it from a creditor for example. If a. Husband and wife. Own a home together. And. the husband is being sued. By somebody…During that lawsuit or just prior to the lawsuit if that husband quit claim deeds. Their property to the wife. Then that could be construed as a fraudulent conveyance Look, you…put this property in somebody else's name to try to shield it or avoid it from being an asset. Let's suppose somebody owes money to a judgment and they have…$200,000 in the bank. And they take 150,000 and they put it in the new bank account in their daughter's name. Well that's a fraudulent conveyance in most cases because it's a way to shield that money unless you can show what that transfer was for. And it was a value for value proposition. Many times a court is going to say to fraudulent conveyance. Now keep in mind the court doesn't do this automatically. If you are a creditor and you have a debtor or somebody that owes you money or somebody that you're suing, you actually have to make the argument and filing with the court to have this be declared and judged, to be a fraudulent conveyance. The court is not going to do it by its. You can't make up. The definition and say this is a fraudulent conveyance. a court has to confirm this. So you're going to have to bring your evidence bring your documentation, maybe from an investigation that you've done, maybe from, collecting, certified documents from various transfers maybe real estate deeds, maybe corporate documents showing that this debtor conveyed this property and that there was no material value returned. to have a judge sign this off because if you could just do it based on your say so then everybody would do it for every conveyance So you have to have a. Arbitrary or I'm sorry. an unrelated third party like a court. Sign off on it to show that this is a fraudulent conveyance So if you have a debt owed to you by a debtor, And you have a judgment or an amount owed, make sure that if you see assets being transferred away vehicles, real estate money in the bank. That you catch it early and have it be declared a fraudulent conveyance so that you don't have. of the assets you can claim I be putting in other people's names. And if the court signs off on it, now you can go and collect those assets from the third party You can't do it just on your say So because you see money going away you have to have a court signed off on it. Many times the legal theory that an attorney will use And most of the investigations we do are for attorneys. is to call that what's called a constructive trust where even though they didn't formally set up a trust to put money in somebody else's name that the other person in effect. Is a trustee for the money belonging to your debtor. So if you have something you think might be a fraudulent conveyance get with a qualified attorney, get with somebody who. can give you proper legal advice and find out if the suspicious transaction does qualify as a fraudulent conveyance and how you can have that documented to get that money back in your pocket.

What is "Fraudulent Conveyance"?
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