What Is Data Exfiltration?

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When it comes to cyber security things like ransomware or hacking might not be the most common or dangerous threat anymore. The new most common type of hack is what’s called data exfiltration. This is something that your company should be very worried about because it’s worse than a ransomware attack.

When it comes to cyber security. things like ransomware. Or hacking might not be the most common or dangerous threat anymore. The new most common type of hack is what's called data exfiltration. This is something that your company should be very worried about because it's worse. Than a ransomware attack What a ransomware attack happens, the hacker gets into your system and locks down your data at scrambles or encrypts your data. and says look, if you pay us a ransom, we will unencrypt unlock your data. And that's a little bit easier of a problem to solve because you could pay to unlock it Or sometimes you can just disconnect your computers from the internet and hire some expert to unlock it locally. Well exfiltration is different Exfiltration is. They download all your data. They exfiltrate it from your server. And then they delete. Wipe your server So now they have all your information. you can't restore it on your own. And sometimes they don't even ask you for a ransom. They just sell it to somebody else your competitor to the black…market. The dark web. And it might be more valuable just to sell it than any ransom you pay. Even if you pay a ransom Now they have a copy of it. So they can do whatever they want with it. So data exfiltration is much more dangerous. Then a hack or a ransomware attack. Is this something you want to be protected for Well, you can buy certain types of cyber liability insurance. Some of it covers these types of attacks Some don't make sure that when you're looking at your policy that you're going to purchase for cyber liability insurance, that if you do want to be covered for data exfiltration, that you specifically make sure that's part of your coverage because. Cyber liability policies are not. standard policies In most cases they're what's called excess and surplus lines Every policy is going to be different and it might be different for different companies based on your threat. profile. So be aware of data exfiltration as a cyber attack. Vector on your server and make sure that if you have good cyber defense built in that you have a trip wire that if you see. Large amounts of data being…downloaded from your system that it'll notify somebody or just shut down the connection to make sure you're not a victim of this new type of hack against corporate clients.

What Is Data Exfiltration?
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