What Is A Non-Repairable Title Brand?

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If you're about to purchase a vehicle, or have already purchased a vehicle, a non-repairable title brand will be a big problem when it comes time to transfer the title.

this is David car titles recently we've seen a lot of inquries about non repairable titles with weather events that happen there's a lot of non repairable titles coming out of auctions like Copart or even some body shops. A non repairable designation on the title is a permanent brand on that title most of them come on Texas title sometimes Florida sometimes other states. it's one of the insurance company has designated that vehicle to be non repairable to be never put on the road again is a permanent brand on that title cannot be undone. in many cases it's frustrating because there's no damage to the vehicle very minor damage to the vehicle the reason why that brand is put on the title is the insurance company doesn't want to have any liability later if somebody fixes it goes on the road. even ten years later that car gets in wreck and it's found to have happened because of some damage from that flood event or that impact event the insurance company doesn't want to get sued. so even if the car looks fine the insurance company doesn't take the time to make sure all the wiring isn't rusted to make sure the brakes are good to make sure that there's no corrosion on the airbag sensors. so they don't have any liability they stamp not repairable that means that you as a buyer or anybody can never put that car back on the road. that vin number is in the system in every state to never be allowed to have a title that can be registered. in many cases the transfer is even restricted to only be able to go to a licensed dismantle or scrap yard. sometimes an export can be done but even with exports or some extra paperwork that export broker will need to do to make sure it's allowable to go through U. S. customs. don't try to do any kind of title washing to eliminate that brand off the title it something will be discovered it's actually a federal offense to try to wash that title to get the brand off of it. but it's not repairable title if you haven't already purchased it stay away from that unless you think you want to take it apart and sell the parts

What Is A Non-Repairable Title Brand?
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