What Is A Bonded Title & How To Get One

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A bonded title is a very valuable method of title recovery that works in almost all states when proper ownership documentation is insufficient. What makes this method different from all of the rest?

this is Dave at car titles again we're gonna talk a little bit more about bonded it titles. in some states where there's a scenario that there's insufficient documentation to get the title in your name you may have availability to use the bonded title process. what that entails is purchasing a bond which is a form of insurance policy from a private company an insurance company and then presenting that to the DMV they'll use that guarantee in order to issue a title. be aware that the bonding company will also require certain documents. they're going to need to approve that scenario. if you do not have a sufficient documentation or scenario of how you got the vehicle the bonding company doesn't have to issue that insurance policy they can reject it just like the DMV can. so make sure you collect all the documentation you can prior to approaching that bonding company. also be aware that it is state specific some states allow bonded titles some don't. if you get a bonded title in a state that allows it and then attempt to bring that vehicle to a state that doesn't recognize a bonded title you may have an issue. also be aware that that bond stamp up will remain on the title for certain your time maybe three years or five years depends on the state depends on the year of the vehicle. so make sure if you need to do something like finance the vehicle or sell it where that bonding stamp could be an issue that you take that into account.

What Is A Bonded Title & How To Get One
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