What Happens To Abandoned Cars After They've Been Abandoned?

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Abandoned vehicles are often a nuisance. They can damage the environment and pose a threat to the safety of the public, but what happens when an abandoned vehicle is towed? Should you buy an abandoned vehicle from an auction?

So what Happens To abandoned vehicles When They're ready To be The processed Whereas a perfect For example Of the abandoned vehicle process This happens to be in Montana And in Missoula like many parts of the country and abandoned vehicle is one that has either been on a public road for a certain period of time I collected from private property And it goes through a process where the state And local governments try to contact the owner To have them come retrieve it Maybe the lien holder But many All of these Vehicles the Owner doesn't Doesn't want they can't Can't for The upkeep They can't for the maintenance maybe it's you know beyond their ability to fix Maybe it's an older car Sometimes the person is deceased I keep in mind that in most parts of the country abandoned vehicles are not finders keepers You can't just grab it and you own it It goes through a government process of processing and that's described in this article and eventually what happens is it's auctioned off Mainly these vehicles sell for very low amounts of money sometimes 25 30 $30 50 $50 Sometimes Sometimes a few hundred A hundred One of Buyers in this Article but A dozen cars for about 20 or $30 each And some of them end up being worthwhile Some are just pure junk
Make sure though that when you're buying one of these vehicles that you understand how it is you're going to get the title because sometimes these auctions don't give you a title They just give you paperwork that now you have to use To get a title and if it's a legitimate Surplus auction or a abandoned vehicle The auction You I can use that To get a title Title But sometimes Times These auctions I don't give Give you sufficient paperwork So do your homework before you give money to anybody for a car even if it's a government auction Ask them what you're getting for paperwork And then check with the DMV or the titling authority to make sure that's sufficient sometimes even at a police auction The police department or the authority auctioning off these vehicles they may not know what's needed for you to get a title and they may Might give you something That's Not sufficient The The problem With that Is these These auctions R as As is so You buy the vehicle and you're done You can't go back If you have a title problem So perform your due diligence make sure you understand what you're getting and what you're going to have to do in order to get a title because that may invalidate the whole Upside to buying one of these vehicles even if it's cheap if you can't get a title or if it costs you a lot of money to get a title And here's the police representative saying that most of the cars are abandoned in public right Of ways which have For five days Means They're towed in It's The place Match We try to To track down A person When the cars are officially declared abandoned the city stores them until they're prepared for auction And then people buy them Sometimes this person's a car flipper you never know what you're going to get this day and age with the demand in vehicles that aren't being accommodated by the new car production Sometimes use cars are a good option for people So These auctions do have some value but just make sure That getting a title is A viable option Sometimes these cars are not eligible for a title and never will be So you want to know that in advance before you put out your hard earned money even if it's a small amount even a few hundred dollars If it's not a vehicle you can ever title it's a waste of money unless you feel like taking it apart and selling the transmission to somebody on Craigslist

What Happens To Abandoned Cars After They've Been Abandoned?
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