VIN Verification For Car Title Recovery Explained

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In today's episode, we're talking about VIN verification for title recovery. Why do you need it? What does it look like? How does it work?

So why do you need to get a VIN inspection When you're getting a surety bond title or a bonded title
If you're in a state which allows bonded titles consider yourself lucky Many states don't allow this there's eight or nine states that you can't do a bond The title So if you have a state that you're a resident of where you can do a bond to title Take advantage of that program because it's a really good DMV authorized system To be able to get a title for a vehicle that you don't have the proper documentation for how does it work Well You have to sign some affidavits how you got the vehicle You have to fill out some forms You have to get a surety bond certificate We'll talk about that in a moment But in addition you have to have the VIN number inspected And that has to be done in most states by a law enforcement agent Sometimes the DMV agent can do it Sometimes they'll let a notary do it but in most states it has to be A posted Or sworn law enforcement agent basically somebody with a gun and a badge Right It could be a sheriff local PD state patrol even Corrections officer although they are probably not available to do that Anybody with a badge and a gun who's a sworn officer Why do you need a VIN inspection Well According to this article it gives you a reason why There's what's called clone cars They want to make sure that the VIN number on the vehicles actually the VIN number That goes with that vehicle Cause that VIN number is like the social security number of a vehicle identifies that car And if a car is stolen and somebody puts a fake VIN number on it Now that stolen car has kind of covered up So they want to make sure that that's the case before they issue a title And this is what can happen if there's no VIN inspection here's a A woman who bought a vehicle and The title we have is in your name But when we pull the look in the system the car's registered to somebody else because there was no VIN inspection and the car was actually a stolen vehicle And this is what happened Thieves steal the VIN And the car was actually stolen crooks know they're on borrowed time when driving a stolen car but if they get a license plate that goes back to a car with no record they can keep driving it So that's why They will do A bonded title and a fake VIN So The VIN inspection although it might be inconvenient for you It's actually protecting you because if it wasn't for that You might be titling a car that's actually stolen that you don't know about You might find out later The car's in an accident it gets pulled over It gets impounded And they find the other VIN numbers on the car because that's what they look for on a VIN inspection They look for the other hidden VIN numbers And it also verifies that the VIN number on your titles correct On the how many times I can tell you that our sales staff we get phone calls from clients That don't need to get a new title for a vehicle They just need to fix their VIN number They have a title But it has the wrong VIN number How did that happen Well maybe it's a typo Maybe it be turned into an eight Or two letters got transposed Or a letter got left off So having a VIN inspection make sure that the right VIN number goes on your title Cause I have to tell you changing the VIN number on a title is very complicated It's more complicated than getting a new title
So you want that VIN inspection Yes it's certainly inconvenient You cannot just do it online You have to contact law enforcement either bring them the car or have them come to you And sign off on that form saying they looked at the VIN number and made sure that it's not stolen Consider that inconvenience something that helps you in the long run It doesn't help you that day that you have to go through that work But in the long run it helps you make sure that your paperwork is right in your cars Right

VIN Verification For Car Title Recovery Explained
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