Used EVs Have Battery Repair Cost Risks

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Electric vehicles, particularly used EVs, have really only been around in the market for around 5-10 years and in a large volume only for a few years. Now that we’re starting to see more used electric vehicles come into the marketplace, replacement battery costs are starting to be more of an issue. What happens when the replacement battery costs more than the car?

…Electric vehicles have really only been around in the market for you know five or 10 years and in a large volume only for a few years now that we're starting to see more used electric vehicles come into the marketplace. Replacement battery costs are starting to be more of an issue. So this family purchased electric vehicle. And they found out that replacing the battery costs more than the vehicle itself just for the battery. This is something that's avoidable. And what happened in this case is. They bought a vehicle for. and they find out that the battery costs $14,000. For a replacement for the used EV Ford focus battery. Porn question What happens when the replacement battery costs more than the car? Cost may not be worth it car might end up being scrapped…How does this happen Well keep in mind that electric vehicle batteries degrade over time In fact, most of the warranties. On EV batteries. Say that as long as the battery is 70% of its initial capacity it's still valid You don't get a warranty claim unless it goes below 70%. How would that work If your engine only works 70% of the time? Of a gas car. It's a little bit different of a…warranty experience with electric vehicles So what you want to do is you want to check out a battery on any electric vehicle you buy before you buy it Just like you check out engine brakes, transmission on a gas car. You want to check out the battery on an EV. You want to check out the capacity? You want to check out the, the remaining life? If it can still charge up to a full charge. Are there any error codes, how much has been used up? What affects the. Degradation of a battery It's not just mileage you can't just go by the miles on the odometer. It has to do with how fast that vehicle battery was charged on a regular basis If you use a DC fast charger that degrades the battery faster, if you live in a hot environment or cold environment that could also degrade the battery faster. there's many factors other than mileage or even time. That can affect how bad a battery starts to break down So make sure. Do your due diligence have that battery checked out before you write a check for any used electric vehicle and make sure that the battery you're buying. Is worth the price that you're paying for the vehicle.

Used EVs Have Battery Repair Cost Risks
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