Unveiling Secrets: Navigating Divorce Cases with Hidden Assets & Forensic Discovery

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Well, what we've been seeing for the last few years is now starting to show up in the news—fraud and forensics in divorce cases. Here's an article that appeared in the Sun Times out of London, but it's a US story. Investigators who uncover the coup's hidden assets say demand for services has exploded among ordinary spouses. Forensic accountants are increasingly showing up in America's courtrooms; the fastest-growing area of our business right now as investigators is hidden assets and asset fraud within divorce cases. It's exploding. It used to just be high-dollar, high-net-worth type people like it mentions here, Kevin Cner, right? That's fine, but now it's showing up in many, many normal, average family cases. Forensic accounting, asset tracing, asset searching, and document forensics show that the level of fraud and misrepresentation in divorce cases is off the charts. It used to be that, you know, for the most part, the financial disclosures made in divorce were pretty close to being accurate. Now it's not even close. One of the things we've heard is that when you have to fill out your financial disclosure form for a divorce case, we've heard attorneys at Point Blank tell their clients, Don't worry, just put down whatever you want and hide your assets. No one's ever going to check because, up until now, there wasn't a lot of investigating going into it. More and more cases are having digital forensics, forensic examiners, and asset research go into their cases to go through all the documentation. We go through hundreds, sometimes thousands, of documents to find these hidden assets. We've been doing it for two decades plus, and the number of times that we see hidden assets is almost always. If you suspect there's an asset being concealed, there probably is. I think last year we worked on five or 600 cases. I don't remember one that didn't have hidden assets. There may have been one or two that slipped my mind, but I don't remember any that didn't. So if you want more information about finding hidden assets or what the status of your case is, you can click the link below and arrange a consultation. We have all the services you might want to know about, and some of these things you can do yourself.

Unveiling Secrets: Navigating Divorce Cases with Hidden Assets & Forensic Discovery
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