Unveiling Deceit: Inside Family Law's Fraudulent Cases

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  • We've discussed numerous legal cases on this channel, from probate to divorce to conservatorship battles. In each, one alarming trend emerges: fraud runs rampant in family law.
  • Divorce cases often involve individuals concealing assets, while probate cases witness relatives pilfering inheritances.
  • Even conservators are not immune, as they sometimes siphon funds from those under their care.
Source Highlight:
  • We're excited to share insights from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), a prestigious organization we're deeply involved with. Their latest article delves into the intricacies of uncovering hidden marital assets, a crucial aspect of fraud examination.
Understanding Marital Assets:
  • Marital vs. separate property distinction: assets acquired during vs. before marriage.
  • Premarital assets, including inheritances, gifts, and property designated in agreements, require differentiation.
Essential Documents:
  • Tax returns serve as pivotal tools in revealing concealed assets, as assets often evade scrutiny from other sources.
  • Financial statements, loan applications, and even credit card statements offer valuable insights into asset concealment.
Techniques for Asset Tracing:
  • A comprehensive approach involves scrutinizing bank statements, investment accounts, and credit card transactions.
  • Deeds and titles must undergo thorough examination, including a full index search in county records, to unearth undisclosed properties or mortgages.
  • Forensic analysis of financial records reveals discrepancies and inconsistencies that hint at concealed assets.
Identifying Patterns:
  • Detectives must observe transactional patterns, such as irregular deposits or withdrawals, to unravel hidden assets.
  • Suspicious behaviors, like frequent cash withdrawals or secretive banking activities, may indicate undisclosed relationships or asset concealment.
Joint Accounts and Co-signers:
  • Investigating joint accounts helps uncover hidden assets or undisclosed financial relationships.
  • Various methods, including document forensics and transaction analysis, aid in documenting findings and verifying authenticity.
In family law cases, whether divorce, probate, or conservatorship battles, vigilance is key. It's imperative to scrutinize every financial detail to prevent the unjust transfer of assets to third parties.

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Unveiling Deceit: Inside Family Law's Fraudulent Cases
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