Unraveling Red Tape: Navigating the New Jersey Bonded Title Process and Addressing Improper Evidence of Ownership

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Explanation of the confusion surrounding bonded titles in New Jersey. Distinction from other states' processes: no requirement to purchase a bond. Introduction to the "improper evidence of ownership procedure." Mention the court order title as an alternative.

Procedure Overview:

Overview of the 12-step procedure for obtaining a title in New Jersey. Emphasis on the importance of completing each step before proceeding to the next. This procedure is for vehicles obtained without proper evidence of ownership.

Step-by-Step Guide:
1. Proof of Ownership and Lien Search:
  • Requirement to submit a lien search application and wait for results.
2. Emergency Application for Vehicle Title (SS150):
  • Details on completing and notarizing the form.
  • Explanation of the necessity to publish an ad in the local paper and contact the police department.
3. Notice of Intent to Obtain Title (SS45):
  • Sending the notice to the last owner and lien holder.
  • Attaching the bill of sale and obtaining letters from three witnesses confirming possession.
4. Document Submission:
  • Photographing the VIN and the vehicle and completing a regular title application (SS7).
  • Paying the title fee and sales tax.
  • Signing a certification regarding personal use.
Forms and documentation:
  • Description of the required forms and their purposes.
  • Instructions for filling out key forms such as the lien search request, emergency application, notice of intent, and regular title application.
  • Mention additional steps for buyer certification and newspaper publication.
A recap of the New Jersey bonded title process and its unique characteristics. Remind yourself that the procedure can be completed independently or through a title service. Suggestion to consider the court order title process as an alternative with fewer steps. Encourage New Jersey residents facing title issues to take action using the outlined process or seek assistance if needed.

If you have questions or want to delve deeper into today's topics, visit at CarTitles.com for additional resources. Until next time, stay insured and stay informed!

Unraveling Red Tape: Navigating the New Jersey Bonded Title Process and Addressing Improper Evidence of Ownership
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