Unmasking Deception: The Rise of Scammer Justice

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Introduction to the episode:
Exploring the question commonly asked by clients: "Do Ponzi schemers get caught?"

Example case:
  • In California, a Ponzi scheme involving $24 million over a couple of years.
  • 200 investors were affected, with significant sums lost individually.
Law enforcement involvement:
  • The gravity of the situation prompts intervention from top-level law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and SEC.
  • Private investigations precede official involvement to gather evidence.
  • Assurance that Ponzi schemers do get caught, referencing historical cases like Madoff and Scott Rothstein.
  • Emphasis is placed on the importance of victims taking action rather than succumbing to the scammers' hopes of evasion.
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Unmasking Deception: The Rise of Scammer Justice
Broadcast by