Unlocking Revenue: How to Profit with Contract Surety Bonds

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  • Explore the role of contract bonds (often referred to as "shity bonds") in enhancing business performance and increasing sales.
  • Discuss how these bonds can aid in business development and improve client trust.
What Are Contract Bonds?:
  • Commonly used to demonstrate reliability and commitment when bidding on projects or entering contracts.
  • They assure clients that you will fulfill the agreed-upon services, protecting them from financial loss and service delays.
How Contract Bonds Work:
  • Example scenarios where contract bonds are beneficial:
    • Building construction
    • Road repair
    • Computer system installation
  • Contract bonds provide assurance that if you fail to complete a project, the client has financial protection and the project will still be completed.
Legal Requirements:
  • The Miller Act mandates contract bonds for government projects to safeguard taxpayers.
  • Increasingly, private contracts also require these bonds, recognizing their value in ensuring project completion.
Benefits of Including a Contract Bond:
  • Shows potential clients you are serious and committed to delivering high-quality results.
  • Can be a differentiator when competing with lower bids that lack such assurances.
Case Study:
  • A client bidding on a $2 million AI network installation project included a contract bond in their bid.
  • The bond cost about $8,000, which was factored into their bid price.
  • Despite being the highest bid, they won the contract due to the added security of the bond and their experience.
Tips for Bidding:
  • Consider obtaining a quote for a contract bond in advance and include it in your bid.
  • Discuss with your sales department how a contract bond could make your bid more attractive to clients.
Additional Resources:
  • For personalized advice, visit actualhuman.com to arrange live, one-on-one consultations with experts in various fields, including:
    • Licensed private investigators
    • Commercial insurance brokers
    • Certified real estate title examiners
    • Certified civil court mediators
    • Licensed building general contractors
  • Don’t underestimate the value of a contract bond in securing projects and boosting sales.
  • Leverage this tool to enhance your bids and build client confidence.
Call to Action:
  • Check out actualhuman.com for expert consultations and more tailored advice for your specific needs.
Unlocking Revenue: How to Profit with Contract Surety Bonds
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