Unearthing Hidden Assets: Easy Finds and Challenging Treasures

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  • The big rush of crypto and online scams seems to be dying down.
  • Over the last couple of years, there’s been an epidemic of online scams involving people sending money to fraudsters promising big investments.
  • Although some online scams persist, a bigger and faster-growing scam involves hiding assets.
  • Recent cases over the last 8 to 12 months include hidden assets in: 
    • Divorce cases
    • Probate cases
    • Lawsuit judgments where the defendant debtor hides assets
  • Key points on asset hiding: 
    • First-time asset hiders are often not lifelong professionals, unlike narcotics traffickers or habitual scammers.
    • Common scenarios include lawsuit judgments and probate cases where family members try to conceal assets.
  • Most amateur asset hiders make simple, easy-to-discover mistakes.
  • Often, the actions taken to hide assets create more visibility and noise.
  • Our website provides examples and methods for discovering hidden assets, including: 
    • Asset searches
    • Asset tracing
    • Techniques for finding amateur and advanced hidden assets
  • Example method of asset hiding: 
    • Prepayment of taxes as a form of a secret savings account with the IRS
    • Such techniques can be discovered, but only if you know where to look.
  • Importance of understanding advanced asset concealment techniques: 
    • Most people only look for easily discoverable assets, missing more complex hiding methods.
    • Scammers rely on people not knowing where to look, allowing them to get away with hiding assets.
  • Advice for those involved in asset concealment cases: 
    • Be skeptical and curious about possible hidden assets.
    • Look into advanced methods to uncover hidden assets that might otherwise be missed.
Visit our website for more information and detailed examples of asset concealment and discovery techniques at ActiveIntel.com
Unearthing Hidden Assets: Easy Finds and Challenging Treasures
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