Uncovering Hidden Wills and Trusts: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Common Concern: How to search for a beneficial trust or will when a family member passes away.
Why It Matters: You may be entitled to assets such as bank accounts, real estate, vehicles, corporate assets, or other beneficiary items.
Potential Issues: Suspicion of improper asset diversion by other family members for their own benefit.
Key Steps:
  • Identify and document the proper assignment of assets.
  • Search for original documents, including trusts, wills, and probate records.
  • Be aware of fraudulent conveyance, where assets are improperly distributed.
Consultation Available: Access live, one-on-one consultations with licensed experts for personalized advice on this and other topics.
Types of Fraud:
  • Accidental: Trustees or executors may not clearly understand how to distribute assets.
  • Intentional: Some may seek more than their fair share, leading to probate fraud.
Importance of Investigation: Discovering documents is crucial for revealing the true interests of the deceased or those in long-term care or under conservatorship.
Final Advice: Ensure no one in your family, including executors, improperly diverts assets that belong to you or other family members.
Further Learning: Check out other videos on our channel for more information on related topics to help resolve your issues.
Uncovering Hidden Wills and Trusts: A Step-by-Step Guide
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