U.S. College Forced To Close After Cyber Attack

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Cyber attacks are devastating not only for private companies but education institutions as well. What industry will be targeted next?

so how important is it to have a valid and robust anti cyber attack planned for your business well you may not think it could happen to you but there's a small U. S. college that is closing down for good because of a ransomware attack at this college going to the article had record breaking enrollment in two thousand nineteen now there were some slowdowns because of the pandemic but most colleges just made it through that this one had a ransomware attack it took months to resolve and during that time had no income in lost all their registration data so they couldn't continue of course this is just one example however it shows that any type of business is not immune you would think that hackers would go after power plants hospitals large companies this is a very small rural college the attackers are looking at any possible profit center
could be a small business it could be a store could be a college could be government agency by sending out tens of thousands of attack vectors every day it's a numbers game if they make ten or fifteen or twenty thousand dollars ransom once or twice a day that's a multi million dollar business you have to three employees running the operation constantly sending out attempts at hacking finding vulnerable systems networks with no firewalls improper passwords maybe routers that are patched properly did a video last week what you can do to prepare and prevent this with very very little cost if you really know cost just a little bit time from your staff in fact putting these measures in place will probably make your business run better so any business is not immune in fact there are some government agencies that have declared a state of emergency because of cyber attack attempts on their agency and they can't issue proper social benefits to their citizens so regardless of your business size your technical advancement in your company may not be a high tech company get a client that was a taxi cab company had four cabs in the small town in the Midwest that had a cyber attack they could dispatch cab they couldn't process payments so can be any size so be aware that the cyber liability and cyber threat is big there are dozens and dozens of major companies that are dedicated to attacking US firms to try to get ransomware to try to get money through some other means be prepared for it whether you buy insurance or not is a material you should always be prepared to prevent it and any in any way you can in most of those methods are very low cost

U.S. College Forced To Close After Cyber Attack
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