Title Problems When Buying A Car From Facebook Marketplace

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Did you buy a car from Facebook Marketplace? It's a great place to find a used car for cheap, but buying a car from Facebook Marketplace also may come with some unanticipated title challenges. In this episode, we'll discuss common title problems from private online sales and how to get a title for a vehicle that doesn't have one.

So you bought a car on Facebook marketplace Great. You probably found a good deal. These are cars that a lot of times haven't hit. with a dealer markup because it's a private seller. And you have time to look at the vehicle, but there's a few downsides right? One downside is you don't necessarily get a warranty. You also don't get a dealer to back you up on your purchase That might be a good thing. Also, you have to be. Responsible for the title paperwork. So a lot of these cars are sold with no titles. or if the year So with the title sometimes you get the wrong paperwork Maybe the title is void. Maybe it's something that has errors or damage. A lot of buyers that purchase on Facebook marketplace a vehicle find that they have title problems, transferring that vehicle to their name What do you do about that? Well, first of all when you buy the vehicle make sure that you get a good valid legal title from the seller and match up the name that's on the title with the name on their driver's license Make sure the person selling you is actually the person who is the legal owner. Not a flipper not a curb Stoner, not somebody who's doing title jumping. Even if you've done that there still could be issues where if the person got a duplicate title and the one you have is void, or there's a lien on it you could run into problems. If that's the case you have some options, you could do a bonded title for your vehicle You can do a court ordered title for your vehicle. So if you run into title problems from Facebook marketplace, You do have some options but try to avoid them in the first place, because it'll just cost you time and money chasing around a title When the seller is supposed to give you good paperwork. So you don't have to get the run-around from the DMV. And have to worry if you're ever going to have that pink slip in your name or get the vehicle transfer to you legally.

Title Problems When Buying A Car From Facebook Marketplace
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