The WEF On The Electric Vehicle Transition

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Recently, the World Economic Forum (WEF) commented that the materials needed for the electric vehicle transition are simply not enough to meet the world's demand. So, if owning a gasoline-powered vehicle will be illegal in the next 10-15 years, what is the solution to the shortage of raw material? In this episode, we'll discuss the WEF's solution to this problem and how it will change the way we use vehicles.

Look don't read too much into this or make this a conspiracy theory yet, but here's an article from the world economic forum which talks very directly about electric vehicles EVs is this transition already in trouble before it even gets off the ground? The WEF is a very powerful, influential group that…puts pressure on government agencies companies to do certain things, whether you agree with it or not or think it's a big conspiracy or not, doesn't really matter. But what they've. Identified is that shifting from fossil fuels to renewables require huge amounts of critical metals. We've talked about this before on electric vehicles you need nickel cobalt, lithium all kinds of very rare earth metals. Recycling alone Won't be enough to sustain the amount of materials needed. It tells you right there that there's not enough of these materials. To build the electric vehicles that are needed for everybody to have one…It's…very very clear And this is from. The side of the opinion that wants people tradition to traditional, to transition from…gasoline vehicles from fossil fuel vehicles. This organization is pushing the switch from fossil fuel vehicles And they're saying. That there's not enough…Metals to build the batteries for these cars. Okay. What's their solution. Increase sharing. Of the vehicles What does that mean? What are they trying to accomplish? Number one to go from owning to using what they're saying is that nobody should own a car. They they should have community vehicles that everybody shares. And you just use it when you want to. Rental style. Sharon can reduce ownership of equipment and usage car sharing platforms have already seized that opportunity. To enable a broader transition…They also want to change the way the design things. things like unlocking. Keala systems, but also. Designing cities to. Make people more. live close. Closer together. So you don't need to drive as far. What do you mean by that? Mindset needed to redesign cities to reduce private vehicles. That's their solution…Nobody owns a car. And you put everybody in city so you don't have to drive out into the country or dry far. Two. Use the vehicle. Why would they want to do this Well it says right here an obvious route was to mine more Virgin material but this comes with its own costs and potentially unintended consequences. It's very likely that mining these metals for electric vehicles might cause more environmental harm than just continuing to. Use. Petroleum products, gasoline and diesel. And they talk about recycling but they've also noticed that. There is not enough currently. In circulation. Enough metals to build all the cars that are needed. Even with recycling. Mineral production is still forecast to increase. 500%…And that may not still be enough. So what the heck is going on here? Are electric vehicles going to happen or not?…If there's not enough metals. To mine to make all the vehicles look electric vehicles right now represent about two or 3% of all the vehicles on the road. Worldwide…And if you need to replace a hundred percent of the vehicles. Plus the increase in the number of vehicles. Vehicle ownership increases about five to 6% per year. So in 10 years, Vehicle ownership increases. You know, 40 50%. So if you want to have a hundred percent of electric vehicles in 10 years…You have to Almost increase the number of vehicles by a factor of 50…Or 60. Times. Not percent 60, 50, 60 times…Electric vehicles that are being produced right now. Is there enough production for that? Is there enough electrical power for that Forget about the. The mining of materials If all these vehicles on the road are electric is there enough grid capacity doesn't even get into that in this article So what the heck is going on here? Are we missing something? Is there something about this switch to electric vehicles? That's more than meets the eye It just doesn't make sense. What are your thoughts in the meantime? What do you want to buy? Do you want an electric vehicle Do you want to plug in vehicle? What are you looking for? Does this. Knowledge raise any red flags or questions for you?

The WEF On The Electric Vehicle Transition
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