The Vermont Title Loophole Explained

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Have you heard of the Vermont title loophole? For decades, Vermont has made it easy for vehicle owners around the country to get a title for their vehicles using only a bill of sale. What's the catch? In this episode, we'll discuss how to use the Vermont title loophole to get a new title for your vehicle in your name.

so what's all this you may have heard about a Vermont title for a car. it's a very common thing you may see an online you may have heard about it you may have read about it somebody may have told you some vague thing about getting a Vermont title. here's why you hear Vermont title out of all the fifty states you hear about this one little state with the title. Vermont is one of three states that will issue an ownership document with only a bill of sale. every other state requires that you have the old title to turn in to get a new title. so if you bought a car do you have your title you're done. there's three states that if you just have a bill of sale you can get an ownership documents. the only problem is to the state you have to be a resident in that state Vermont's will issue an ownership document with a bill of sale to an out of state resident. so this is why it's a very common process used by people with classic cars motorcycles boats older cars that don't have all the paperwork. here's a couple details what's the catch first of all the car has to be fifteen years old or older the other catches for Vermont actually doesn't issue a title for a fifteen year old car they issue what's called a registration ownership. but since it's in their version of a title once you get that registration you can bring it to your state and trade in for title just like if somebody lived in Vermont had this piece of paper and they moved to your state they would exchange for title. in fact if it's a registration they will send you license plates you put on your car. I wouldn't suggest using them for too long in another state because there's probably some legal requirements that you have a registration where the car is but Vermont title is a legitimate process used by thousands of people to get an ownership document when all they have is a bill of sale. here's a couple of the details the bill of sale does not have to be from the last titled owner can be from anybody. so if you bought a car Craigslist it could be from them. if you bought a car from your brother or your neighbor the bill still can be from them. a couple catches why does Vermont do this well they do it because every time somebody applies for registration they get seventy six dollars for car forty eight for a trailer motorcycle. they also get sales tax on the value of the vehicle so if you have a thousand dollar car you also have to pay sales tax on the car could be sixty or seventy dollars so getting revenue from people all over the country to issue this document.
here's another good news story about a Vermont title Vermont is one of the only states in the country that you could actually call up the DMV and not only will somebody answer the phone but they'll be very pleasant and cheerful and help you with your process. you can download this registration application from their website if you're filling it out and have a question you can call them up and their headquarters is in Montpelier Vermont they're glad to answer the phone to walk you through it and it's unlike any other DMV in any other state where you call up get a busy signal or somebody hangs up on you. just be sure not to make the mistake of calling it a title because again they don't issue a title on the vehicle more than fifteen years old the caller registrations so if you start asking about the title they're gonna tell you we don't give you a title. and it may be a source of a sore subject. it's a very common process used by thousands of people over the last decades. the other option to consider if you're in a scenario where you only have a bill of sale is to look at a bonded title you can find information about that and other videos. but a Vermont title process is a very frequently use process by a person who has a vehicle fifteen years old can't be any newer than that and you only have a bill of sale it's a way to solve a problem that maybe doesn't have a solution in your state. but you can go through Vermont to solve that problem make sure it's legal for your purpose. make sure it's appropriate for the way that you bought the car but consider it as a perspective process for you to finally get that paper in your hand which is title because that's what you want isn't' it, a title?

The Vermont Title Loophole Explained
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