The True Cost of EV Batteries: What You Need to Know

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So, how important is it to check out a battery on a used EV before you buy it? Well, I guess $60,000 worth of important. There's a case where the Hyundai Ioniq 5 had a battery that was expensed at $60,000 to replace, and it wasn't the only one. There are two or three stories of this same car, one on the east coast and one on the west coast, where the car ended up being totaled because the battery failed. They couldn't get a battery for a reasonable amount, so they had to total out the car, and this happens all the time. So make sure when you're buying a used electric vehicle, you get a good EV battery checkup to make sure that the battery isn't on its last leg.

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Now, back to your video. It could be a brand new car with low miles, but a lot of times these batteries fail for other reasons—maybe too many fast charges, maybe heat, maybe it was not allowed to discharge enough, and they keep topping it off. There are a lot of reasons, and the owner's manual will tell you what not to do to keep these batteries in good shape. If you don't adhere to those rules, your battery could fail, and if it's something that is either not under warranty or could be denied under warranty, they have to come out of pocket, and the car gets totaled.

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The True Cost of EV Batteries: What You Need to Know
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