The Rising Threat of Copper Theft in EV Charging Stations

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…If you're building E V charging stations as a contractor you might want to look at hardening. Some of the structure to make sure that it's not vulnerable to copper theft. Inside those charging stations is a lot of valuable copper and they're out in the open They're not enclosed in a building. So copper thieves look at those as targets to be able to steal copper It's very dangerous Obviously there's high voltages. But these copper thieves.

You know the you may have. The…Darwin's law in effect that the stupid ones are going to get electrocuted The smart ones are going to know how to steal the copper without getting electrocuted but either way those structures or the pedestals or whatever using to build the Evie charging stations you might want to recommend to your client. To have those hardened And so they don't have to come back and rebuild the structure or repair the damage at some point in the future When somebody steals the copper it's an increasing. type of crime. The fact that there are now are more charging stations and more places make this crime increase.

One of the biggest problems is. up until now The charging stations were in high traffic retail locations in shopping centers. Parking lots now because of the fact that the charging network isn't is expanding, some of these are now being put in less. Conspicuous more out of the way places which make it more vulnerable to having crime and having damage.

even vandalism happened. much less stealing copper So keep that in mind as a contractor, if you're building these structures, consider the security aspect or factor in the design and layout and even maybe even the placement of these items for your client.

The Rising Threat of Copper Theft in EV Charging Stations
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