The Rising Cost of Cyber Attacks: Understanding Increasing Ransom Demands

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Cyber Security Risk Overview
Ransomware is on track for its highest grossing year ever, with the average ransom payment rising significantly.
Current Statistics:
  • Median ransom payment in 2023: $200,000.
  • Median ransom payment in 2024: $1.5 million.
  • Total ransomware payments in 2024: $75 million, compared to $37.5 million in 2023.
Trends in Ransomware:
  • Ransomware gangs are demanding larger payouts.
  • Hackers are increasingly targeting companies with substantial financial resources.
Prevention Strategies:
  • Active Monitoring: Essential for detecting and preventing attacks.
  • Best Practices: Implementing security protocols can significantly reduce risk.
  • Response Team: A quick and effective response team can mitigate damage even after an attack begins.
  • Recommendations:
    • Regularly conduct drills to test response plans.
    • Maintain ongoing best practices and active monitoring.
Consultation Availability:
  • Access to live, one-on-one consultation with licensed experts in various fields including cyber defense, insurance, and business development.
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  • For questions or comments about the episode, use the link below to get in touch.
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The Rising Cost of Cyber Attacks: Understanding Increasing Ransom Demands
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