The Death Of Gas-Powered Cars

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Gas-powered vehicles, like automobiles and trucks, have been the main source of transportation for decades. They're also responsible for a lot of emissions that contribute to climate change and other environmental issues. In this episode, we'll discuss how Europe is banning the sale of new gas-powered vehicles and transitioning to all-electric. How will this impact the rest of the world's economies?

Our gasoline and diesel vehicles basically a thing of the past even though you see them on the road you probably have one . It may be that it's a foregone conclusion that these vehicles will exist in the future . The manufacturer and sale these vehicles . Might be past the point of no return . If you believe some of the news that's come out recently . Four For . The development of electric vehicles the article from adventure rider , good-bye ice which stands for internal combustion engine . Europeans killed off internal combustion vehicles Mark it on your calendar According to the article 29th of June marks the beginning of the end . they banned sales of new cars and vans powered by gasoline and diesel engines . And as soon as soon they're going to add motorcycles . Here's the thing This might only be in Europe . But manufacturers have to have a global market for their products . If major markets band vehicles , that's going to reduce the volume of their sales . To where they can't build them at all So if the EU bans them . California bans them Some other states like Washington state have banned them . That might be enough I have a tipping Ping point Any Rojan of market . To where The vehicles aren't profitable to be built . By manufacturers And this is an important thing because people are relying on a vehicle for transportation and we'll talk quickly about the advertised range and whether or not you can count on that But before we do think about this story you may have seen it If you watch the movie . Hunt for red October . The character Ramus who was the captain of the ship Talked about a story of . And explore Cortez who sailed from Europe to south America . And he had an exploration party that was going to explore and develop . Having an expedition . For the new world And When they landed in somewhere in south America . Look these are people that are come from Europe They're used to having some creature comforts and homes and insecurity . Now the red a jungle with , with . Wild animals and , and native people that don't want them to be there . That'd be a hard battle . I'm sure a lot of the people thought about well maybe we'll go back . To Europe maybe we'll won't do this exploration because it's so hard We have to live under . Trees with snakes and lions and tigers or whatever's there . So Cortez . The leader of this expedition . In the middle of the night burned all the ships that took them from Europe to the new world . That's sent a clear message to the explorers We're not going back . It made it impossible . To go back Back to . The The . Old way of living . Go back to the . old world where you came from . This may be what's happening with electric vehicles . This banning of vehicles in large markets could be like Cortez burning the ships We're not going back to . Internal combustion vehicles whether you like it or not . Whether it turns out that's better or not We're stuck with this We're committed . To these electric vehicles and whether it's through regulation . Through government action through policy and may be the Cortez burning of the ships moment For combustion vehicles and it's important . As a consumer to know that this is happening once you're getting into . Because as a consumer you have to get to certain places with your vehicle . Those places are certain Distance From your House from your job , maybe vacation . And you're relying on the range of that vehicle to get there . The reason why range of a vehicle on electric is important . Where it's not as important for gasoline is because with a gasoline vehicle , you can stop and top off your tank almost anywhere . In five minutes or less , whenever wherever you're driving in most places , you're not more than five or 10 minutes from a gas station And it doesn't take you more than five minutes to fill up . Right So range is not really an issue . It's an inconvenience because you have to stop for gas . But it's usually not an issue unless you're in a very rural area far from a gas station that doesn't happen too often . With electric vehicles , you're always in a rural area with regard to charging stations because charging stations aren't . On every corner Corner Like they are gas stations In fact , Gasoline stations are not on every corner or not in any corner They're on every corner Some major intersections have a gas station on all four corners . Of the intersection . Not electric charging stations . And the range is much less If you fill up a 18 gallon tank . With gas and you get 25 miles per gallon you might have almost 500 miles of range . before you start getting . On E and you can stop and get another 500 that fast . What about electric Well most electric vehicles have maybe 200 miles of range less than half In fact . According to some article The electric vehicle range might not be accurate Buyers . Should take advertise electric ranges with a pinch of salt after research found distances , average almost a fifth lower . They tested 60 vehicles . And the average was 2 38 advertised , but they really only got 1 90, 2 less than 200
And these are vehicles that in the UK there's going to be a ban on gas vehicles only electric vehicles . So you need to prepare for that If your lifestyle is based on having a 500 mile range vehicle that you can fill up that fast . Now you're going to have a hundred . 92 mile . Range vehicle that you can fill up in an hour or two or four Tell us what your thoughts are on this . Tell us if you think that there's any chance that internal combustion engines are going to be able to survive
Are they going to be able to be available What if there's not enough electricity to go round ? To charge these vehicles Is electric . Vehicle . Sales and marketing . The future of this country . Or is it just a flash and a fad and a , something that'll be a passing . footnote in history . And do you want one ?

The Death Of Gas-Powered Cars
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