Tech Trends: AI's HR Reign, Construction Challenges, Real Estate Dynamics, and More

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Thanks. Everybody is. Waiting. With nervousness about what's going to happen in the future, whether we're looking at politics news, employment jobs recession, inflation. We all have some concern about where all this is going…

May not be something you talk about with your friends coworkers but I'm sure it's on your mind. Some of the things you have opinions about. Are the same things that other people have opinions about. What about artificial intelligence? Is it going to took your job?

What about EVs Is it going to. Shift you out of the kind of driving you like to do. What about real estate That's the elephant in the room right? Is real estate going to price you out of ever being able to own a home. Or if you do own a home, are you going to ever ever be.

to move. Maybe. You're going to be locked in the house you're in. You can't move interest rates, market availability inventory…

Could take a look at all these things today and not just opinions. We're going to look at. The facts what's happening and what the people who are insiders are doing and saying. So as always one of the things that's a concern Rightfully so. Is artificial intelligence.

So what happens with artificial intelligence Well first. It's used for…

Innocent. Type tasks jobs maybe proofreading a paper…

Maybe it's taking order at the. Drive through a fast food, but now. AI. Is doing HR. In order to apply for a job, you can't speak to an actual human.

you actually have to talk to a chat bot…

I'll bet you have an opinion about that…

Put that below. What do you think about AI chatbots? I'm sure it's not going to be good. Even if you are. And employer of boss company owner.

You might not like AI chatbots…

What's one example of the experience with this. This person Amanda Claypool looking for a job at a fast food restaurant. She faced an unexpected hurdle glitchy chatbot recruiters. I McDonald's the recruiter. Olivia was a chat bot.

Cleared her for an in-person interview but then didn't schedule it because of tech issues. The Wendy's chat bot managed to schedule her, but as for a job she couldn't do…

The Hardy's chat bot central to an interview with a manager but that manager was on leave…

So. Already. That's an experience and look. This doesn't even have anything to do with the fact that should chatbots be doing, interviewing or be doing HR. This has to do with just are they any good…

Are they. Competent. In the role…

Do you want to talk to a chat bot or an actual humid? Are there more scenarios where you wish you could talk to a real person? Instead of a chat bot or. Are you of the mindset? That if you talked to a person it's going to be frustrating anyways…

Maybe. The chat bot or AI is better. I don't know. Thousands of people out there everybody's going to have a different opinion. I'm sure.

Other people would like to hear your opinion about that too…

But this is why happening. So. If you are ironically, if you are in HR and you're an interviewer…

Your own job might be at risk of chatbot Now, granted, you might say well they're not actually interviewing They're just scheduling the interview Well that could be true for now…

But what if you're the assistant to the interviewer? That would schedule it Now you don't have a job. And even if you are the interviewer. Now you don't have an assistant anymore. Because that assistant that did that, scheduling also probably did some other things for you.

Right. So. Clerical, maybe some, Administrative type things now that person's not there to do that. So we're just creeping. You might not think it's going to do your job but.

That's what they're striking about in. Los Angeles the actors. Because the chatbots are starting to take over AI has taken over their jobs…

So here's what can happen when. you take it a step further Here's a restaurant. Hired a robot to help servers. What did that look like Literally what you can imagine. This is a robot…

Taking orders and delivering food…

This is an Oregon…


Not a. Big city type town That's kind of a little bit out in the country…

Why did the person hire it Well here's one of the reasons, the minimum wage in Oregon…

Increased to 14 20 hour food prices Skyrocketed inflation. Finding servers willing to commit to the small town This is, this is 45 minutes outside Portland

You already have a small pool to work from for employees rural area. So…

Higher. hired this robot

People would literally not want to come to the restaurant because they had a robot. So there's pushback People want what? An actual human that's what they want They don't want a robot…

So, what did he end up with at the restaurant Bad reviews angry messages. That kind of stuff…

So…you go to restaurant…

Imagine you're at a place like this. Here's a picture of it. I sought a place right. Let's kind of casual but clean. Probably as good food…

But you have a robot for a server Is that what you want? Now, I'm sure you've had bad experiences with server I'm sure you had. They take the wrong order They don't. Feel your water fast enough…

But maybe…

Robot's not going to be better…

I don't know. I mean. None of us probably have experience with it I've never had a robot as a server. But. And most people haven't.

But just anticipating it What would you rather have…

Now. Let's talk about jobs in another industry…

We're going to talk about…

Contracting this gets right into real estate…

It gets into one of the biggest subjects that…people like to hear about. Yeah. The highest level of open positions is in the construction industry…

It needs 650,000 workers…

To handle the projects that are out there right now. We talked yesterday. About an AI robot that can drive construction equipment. Diggers excavators. Loaders.

Skid steers…

Because of the shortage of construction workers…

Some building companies are starting to go to that…

Highest level open positioned ever recorded. So little side note. If you at all have any aptitude or interest in doing construction work swinging a hammer. Handyman basic stuff. You can make a lot of money.

We know of colleagues in our industry in our constructing industry. That are paying 50 $60 an hour…


Basically day labor, as long as you can…

You know be reliable. Reasonably intelligent conduce things like framing. maybe, cabinets. Nothing highly skilled. But.

Average skilled You don't have to be at. Journeymen plumber or an electrician or HVAC. Or. maybe even cut. countertops but if you could do tile flooring painting.

50 60 bucks an hour many parts of the country…

Why is it a problem? Is that the construction industry is Sure Well because as you'll see in the next slide, One major U S. Industry and part of our entire financial future is based on some construction. But here's something else that I'm sure you have an opinion on…

What is the solution? To the shortage of construction workers. Immigration. Technology. And raise the profile of construction.

So. If you are. And existing construction worker…

You now have a…

Possibility that there'll be immigration that we'll have more people in your field. Greater use of technology What does that mean Well it probably means something like this…


Robot. That's probably what it means. Isn't that code. Gradation technology and raised a profile of construction as a career path That's probably a good thing. Because if you are currently a construction worker, That career path is known to you the value of that career path.

You recognize it as yeah this is a good thing I make good money It's a good job…

And it's probably. Good. That…it's a good job because…

One of the solutions to the housing market. Is homebuilders…

The us housing market is working through a shortage of homes not a regular shortage of homes but a major shortage of homes. Builders appear to be the most valuable player See here's this guy he's probably making 60 bucks an hour. That guy…

Us housing. Sector is back in full swing. Builders are best positioned to ride the wave…

New homes. Why is that We talked about it before resale homes are being hoarded cling to. Like your life depended on it by the current owners nobody wants to sell their house that they have right now. Because they have an interest rate that's low 3% maybe three and a half for. It could be in the twos.

You got 3% mortgage rate you are not selling no matter what. Do the math. If you have a house let's say that's…500,000 and that may seem like a lot to some people It may not seem like a lot depending on where you live, but a $500,000 house is not really that. Big a deal anymore half a million dollar house. So let's say you have a 500 house…

And you're going to move from. current 500 house to another 500 house. Just want to move to a different area Maybe. You know newer house maybe, you have to move for your job. Who knows?

You're not even going to upgrade 500 house…

And you currently have a 3% mortgage. 3% mortgage. Well if you sell that house and go and buy another 500 house same exact price. Now you're going to have at least a 7% mortgage at least. 7%.

Right now probably 7.2 7.3. It's going to be up near eight. Within the year but let's say seven. So now you're going four percentage points more. Well, what is 4%?

500,000 that's $20,000. And that's not a one-time fee. You ever hear the phrase a P R E you know, mortgage rate APR 3% APR. Guess what APR stands for the age? for annual which means you pay that every year.

So your interest is going to go up $20,000 every year Annual percentage rate. So if you keep your house five years, That's going to cost you $100,000 more. On getting the same house. So what most people are doing is clinging to their house with, you know white knuckle They're not selling it. And maybe taking that same hundred thousand and putting on in addition if you need more space…

Right. You're better off doing that then moving to the same price house God forbid you're moving to a house at 600 or 700 You want to upgrade? It's going to cost you a lot more. So. That's why people look cleaning to house That's why builders right now are swamped at the can't get can't get…

Help. Building new homes might be better than buying Of course this is why. Because. Median price for existing homes is now more expensive than that new construction. Why is that you might think well used house isn't worth as much Yeah Good luck Finding one…

That's the problem. People would buy a resale home…

If they could find one of the only ones that are coming on the market. Are pretty rare. So they're going for big money…

We saw this actually. A glimpse of it for about six months last year, year before in the car business there were actually some used cars that were selling for more than a new car. You're looking to buy a 2021. I don't know. Maybe a at the time Jeep Wrangler was a hot car.

It might be $45,000. There were one or two year old Jeep Wranglers with 10,000 miles on it They were selling for 46, 47 a couple thousand more than a new one. Why would anybody to do that Because there weren't any new ones So if you had to get one. Guess what you're paying? Same thing with homes.

If you have to get one and there are no use ones and, you know look, new construction only exists in certain parts of the country. in certain parts of…each city I should say. You can't. Automatically buy a new home in the place you want there's houses in the place you want but they might not be building new houses there There might only be resale. So if you want to be near your job near the highway, there might not be new houses currently being built there.

You might have to wait for a resale and if that's important you might have to pay through the nose for it…

Mortgage rates hovering around 7%. Homeowners are holding onto their homes holding on they're clinging Like we said before, squeezing the supply homebuilders are willing to sell more affordable smaller houses, and that's part of it. You know builders can build different size houses. Are you a resale home is only as big as it was when it was first built…

So that's the deal. With. Homes now…

What does that. What does that. Predict for the market Well I'll tell you what Zillow says. Zillow is so sure home prices have bottomed out It's issued a bullish call for these markets So Zillow who should know. Right there They monitor all the.

Houses for sale. How long houses are on the market. They track it all. There so sure. Home prices have bottomed.

Now. For a few years…

Many of us and you. Have said there's a housing crash coming. Prices are going to crash. Maybe they will…

Maybe they won't…

But. When is it going to happen? How's it going to happen? A lot of the prediction for the housing crash came from. People who observed 2008 housing crash Remember that it wasn't that long ago.

15 years ago, 2008 How's it going to think about that…

Many of us who are adults I saw that happen in real life. So…almost like watching a movie you say well housing prices went up, then they crashed. Well in 2019 and 20 housing prices went up, they must have to crash again I saw this movie before. Well, just because something happened in a movie doesn't mean it's going to happen again. Same thing with housing, housing prices did go up in 2020 and 21 for that matter…

Okay. And everybody needs your reaction Well now they're going to crash just like in 2008 or they're too much money. Well, does that true? Do they have to just because it happened before…

Maybe maybe not…

The question isn't what happened The question is it why did it happen? In 2008 housing prices went up. Because they were passing out mortgages like candy. Anybody could get a mortgage I can remember in 2005…

I was buying a house for the purpose of fixing it up. Staying in it for a year or two and then selling it wasn't necessarily a flip house per se. It was more, I want to live in this area. This house wasn't exactly what I wanted but it was a good opportunity because it needed a little bit of work and it could be. A good place to live while it was being worked on and then resell it…

I remember going and talking to the, the mortgage person who actually became a pretty good friend. And. He said you know, You can buy more than one house If you're going to fix up this house and sell it why not buy a couple other ones and fix them up at the same time and sell it as what do you mean You know? Mortgage I can only get one house. No no no no.

The market right now, based on your income your credit you could buy like five or six houses…

So…buy this house Wait a couple of months, you can buy another one I'll get you a mortgage. You don't need any money down. Can use the equity from your first house. And he said you can buy five or six houses. So they were handing out mortgages left and right.

Now that's what made the real estate go up in 2020 or 21. That's not the case. You they're not handing out mortgages left and right In fact, they're very highly scrutinizing every single mortgage application income credit. job stability all the whole nine yards appraisal value. So prices went up in spite of that Why did they go up Well there's a genuine demand unlike 2008 where it was just like any cab driver no offense to cab drivers or hairdressers no effects.

Festa hairdressers. Could get a house way above their income. Now you have to really really qualify. How's. house prices still went up.

Why is that in 2023? Well, Because. There was a shortage of homes that 2008 crash 2009 10 11, 12 had an domino effect in echo effect builders Shut down…

Builder's shut down from about 2009 to 2012 or 13. Builder said no way I'm not building any houses I got burned I lost money I went bankrupt. Nobody's buying houses. So for about five years, The new home construction industry was…done. Five years…

And that wasn't that long ago That was 10 years ago. Well now that inventory that now would be coming into the market. To satisfy the used home market. It's not there. And…

The population is swelled. Right New home. A home. Household formation…

Not enough houses. So. That's where the. Buildup came from. So now.

The house price goes up. You think it's going to crash? Well guess what? they're saying. That crash of new house prices are.

New and used for that matter All real estate already happened We blink we missed it. You know what had happened? It happened in February of 2023, January February. Housing prices. Leveled off maybe in some places dropped down a little bit and that was it You blinked you missed it.

Two months maybe three months in some places. That was the crash folks. That was your crash. You wanted to see it there It was rewind the tape You have to see it again Don't don't blink You couldn't miss it…

It's a big deal. What's also going to hurt home buyers going forward. Is another factor and that is other types of prices are going up What kind of prices Well one of them has to do with insurance…

Home insurers are charging more and insuring less. This is not just in. Hurricane Florida Wild file California. Right Other places it's all over the country. Double digit premium hikes…

Drones looking at yards we saw an article. a couple of weeks ago where some guy had some tires in his backyard, the insurance company said drone over to look at his house They saw tires they flat canceled them…

Can I have tires in New York. The raising deductibles Look you want to. A M…

Homeowner's policy. Instead of. A $2,000 deductible you have a 10% deductible. So if you have a $400,000 house instead of a two or $5,000 deductible you have a 400 or a $40,000 deductible. So the first 40 grand of damage it's on you…

Think about that. As I always say broken record. I'll bet you have an opinion about that. So let's suppose. And double-digit premium hikes So there's some parts of the country that house insurance.

is about 1% of the value of the house. So if you have a $500,000 house it's five grand a year for insurance double digit. That's at least 10%. So it's going to go up 500 bucks…

Now you're spending $500 a month on average. So when you go to qualify for your mortgage you're going to look and say well how much is insurance going to cost? And…

They're going to add that into your debt. Ratio…

Being able to qualify, forget HOA. Also taxes property taxes…

We're seeing moves to put more of the risk back onto the homeowner…

More risk on homeowner key words, for words more risk on homeowner. How does that come Tougher underwriting restrictions meaning that before they give you a policy they're going to check you out left and right Check the house out left and right Does have a new roof. Does it have outdated plumbing…

You live in a flood zone. Higher costs lower coverage extends well beyond Florida and California Didn't I just say that. Other states prone to hurricanes floods wildfires Well, what states aren't prone to something floods. I don't think anywhere is safe right now I don't think anywhere safe right now…

Now you can blame the insurance companies and sure There's blame to go around. But part of the problem is. Look, they set their rates based on what they pay…

Right It's not really just magic spinned. Spin the wheel on G on a wheel of fortune and wherever it lands that's what the rates are Right. They have to use what's called proper underwriting…

To set their rates…

Actuarials loss runs. And they have to file those with the state. So when you put out your rates for your homeowners policies as an issue, company…

You. Go by what your previous year's losses were. And sometimes there's a little bit of a delay. So for example, when you set your rates for let's say 2023 you file your rates with the state. You have to go on your last full year's worth of loss runs.

Well you might not have 2022 loss runs yet because you have to file those things with the state before the beginning of 2023, let's just as an example. So let's say 2023. You, you want to have your rates take effect January 1st…

But in order to have January 1st rates you also have to file those maybe 90 days in advance with the insurance commissioner in that state So you have to file it. In September. Of 2022 you're not going to have 2022 loss runs yet So you have to go back to 2021. So you're always two years behind in what your loss runs are. So when those loss runs kick in they're going to.

be a little bit lag…

To your actual rates and that's going to affect consumers…

Losses for home insurance companies continue to pile up. So the insurance companies are paying out. It's not like they're just. You know they make money Don't get me wrong I mean that insurance business is a good business, but. They, the more they pay out claims the more that they have to charge Now of course we wanted to pay claims.

Right. That's what they're there for. So the more that they pay the more they charge storms natural disasters inflation supply chain have sent claims spiraling. Many insurance are still in the red despite increases And that's because of the delay. If you have sharp claims increases in 2021, you can't start to recoup those until two years later So in the meantime…

You're…you're on the hook now. I know somebody was saying look I'm not shutting any tears for insurance companies That's fine You don't have to write, but just be aware that they serve a purpose They're there to be the risk. Coverage for. Policy holders. So the question is do you want it to pay out a lot or do you want to have lower premiums Right.

That's that's what the trade-off is. You want it to pay out a lot to you when you have a loss and not charge you a lot. Right. It's just math. That's what companies are It's a big math problem.

They accumulate all the risks from a lot of people. In terms of. Potential risk. They evaluate that risk based on history. The charge premiums based on that your insurance payment.

And then when there's a loss to some of the people because not everybody has lost, they pay to that person based on that. So you want it to be there You want it to be healthy. You don't want to pay too much. So always think about that I mean the insurance company. You know it seems like the bad guy when you're paying the…

Premiums And sometimes they feel like the bad guy when you're getting your claims adjusted, but they're just trying to make sure the claim is correct They're not necessarily trying to make it as low as possible. They want it to match the policy, whatever policy you have. They want your claim payout to match what's on the policy no more no less. Most legitimate insurance companies. They don't want to rip you off on a claim.

Right. They might try to shade it a little bit In some of the insurance companies do we had a case on our investigative side? Where there was damage to a vehicle and we saw the insurance company. Very intentionally trying to coerce the body shop to make the claim lower. So it can happen.

So I'm not painting everybody with a brush, but in general, The insurers want to. have proper claims paid out. No, you might have to fight for a little bit Maybe you shouldn't have to but that's just how it works. So insurance companies are cutting. There…

They're cutting their coverages in advance and not cutting your claims but they're just covering cutting What's covered. So we come back we're going to talk more about. A different type of insurance would you probably don't even have right now you probably don't even have this insurance, but it's very likely. That you will have a loss or a claim. Because of this risk.

In the next few years it's very likely you will have some damage or loss to you or your finances or your business. And you don't have coverage for this almost guaranteed because it's a relatively new thing. So be back on the other side of this very very quick break

Right. We'll be right back. Just kind of regroup here for a minute. Just think about what. Is on your mind after all this you probably have.

Some pinions about what we talked about whether it's insurance…

Whether it's AI taking jobs whether it's real estate. Oh we're finishing up our…

Production editing for our next segment here…

What are those thoughts? Right. No other stops, even in the course of. of. You know making this video we keep notes.

We do Do notes all the time. I'm sure you have the same type of things that come to mind…

We want this to be a collaborative conversation…

Right There's there's place You can put comments. You can put messages. In fact we're going to have an event keep an eye on the channel…

That will be even more

I guess interactive, we're going to have some webinars. Where you can attend ask questions It will be live. So keep an eye on the channel go to actual human and go to describe TV. The links will be there. We'll have announcements for those within the next day or two…

For how to access those. They're going to be free. To begin with it can be totally free. You can ask experts You can ask your questions You can talk to other participants. But that's going to be.

A more. In real time collaborative thing In the meantime though…

Get your opinion out there We all have opinions We all want to be heard. We all want to have our, our thoughts. available for other people to see, not necessarily to have an argument. But the only way to understand what's happening. With other people is to hear what they have to say and let them hear what you have to say…

That's the way to get a more open dialogue of communication. Look, not everything you see or hear is you're going to agree with and that's fine. And what you say not everybody's going to agree with, but at least hear it out and think about where that person came from. Most people who have a different opinion than you. They're not evil people.

They just have they come to it from a different place maybe different experience. Maybe some people have thought about something more or less, maybe somehow. just listening to a friend of theirs that they trust…

Maybe they have bad information. If you have bad information. Right Always look at the fact that…

If there are two difference of opinion…

Those are normally two well-meaning people both coming to the same place with two completely different points of view…

And. Even if you don't agree with the other point of view one thing you should be curious about is how did you get there? How did you get to that point of view…

We're talking to a colleague this week. About. Perspectives point of view all those things. And…

They were saying well, you know the way I approach it as if I have an opinion and the other person doesn't agree I ask them, is there anything I could say that would change your mind? Is there any data that I could tell you that would. You know make you have a different opinion If they say no, I just walk away I don't waste my time That's fine That's that's. Option. but what I.

Well my question was is asset person why not…

If you have a hard. Opinion line in the sand. Cement is dry adamant…

And somebody comes to you and says oh, here's some information that's factually true that, you know I'm that's not my opinion. That proves that that's not the case Why wouldn't you agree with it Is it because you just stubbornly want to stick to it that you think they're lying Right. So, you know if I said I believe two plus two was four. And somebody says I can prove to you that two plus two equals five. Well how did you get there?

Right I at least want to know how you got there. Maybe I still won't agree with it. But if I know how you got there I'll understand humans and how they form their opinions. That's what it's all about…

Back to the regular regularly scheduled program So here's the insurance we're talking about This is a big deal. This is something. That. As of right now, you probably do not have insurance for this cyber insurance…

However, it's almost certain. That you will have some type of cyber attack cyber event cyber loss within the next three four years. That's what the experts say…

Most businesses are, have attempted attacks every day a couple of times a day. Now. 90% of them never get through because you have maybe…

Firewalls you have, you know a cyber defense. Programs on your computer…

Protection. Software. But it's almost certain that your company or your home computer or anywhere else has a vulnerability has a gap. That you don't know about not your fault. You still know about it.

The hackers keep trying to keep pinging They keep banging away at this F a server. at the network every single day. So all these computers back here. I'm sure right now there's hackers trying to get into them…

So at some point they're going to get through we do they find a vulnerability that's not protected or they invent one or they use some kind of social engineering to get in one way or another. And what they're going to do is they're going to lock up your computer They're going to take your data. They are going to…

Hold you hostage for your business They're going to say look you're not going to get back in your computers until you pay us ransom. So there's a thing called cyber insurance. Cyber protection Now you can hire an it person to protect your computers You should do that too, but cyber insurance kicks in If you do have a loss. They pay. Something, it depends on the policy what they're going to pay what they're not going to pay Just like we talked about before with homeowners insurance, every policy is different So you want to make sure you get the policy that is good for you.

Look. You see right here. Cyber risk coverage We sell insurance right. It's probably we're probably not going to sell it to you because we only sell it in a few states. We're here more to give you information on it talk to your own broker or decide not to get it We just want to put it out there that this is a thing…

How does it work Well here's another big difference with cyber insurance. If you buy insurance for your car let's say crash insurance for your car and let's call it that crash insurance That's what ensures against. They just say well if you get a crash, We'll pay it. They don't every single day Try to keep you from getting in a crash. They don't.

You know stand in front of your car So you don't go over here drive over here watch out. They're not they're doing that. Right It sounds stupid Sounds silly. With cyber insurance. They, when I say they many insurance companies that provide cyber.

In addition to having insurance also has. A built-in protection for your devices when you buy insurance. They will first audit your system See what it says right here Audit. The system. And they will.

Check out to make sure. That you have…

The proper protections on your…

System on your network. Right…

Yeah it was a dog barking…

So…in addition to doing the audit before they read the policy they're going to make sure that you don't have anything That's a. nightmare train wreck in your…network. If we're going to make sure that anything that needs to be patched is patched. Is that a painful necessity probably is or valuable opportunity probably is here They say it's a neither or we think it's both. Is it going to be painful Yeah.

Maybe not painful It's gotta be gotta be inconvenient because you're going to. I have to. Give them access to your computers and I'm checking everything out, but here's the good news. After you buy that policy, they will probably install some things on your network or some. monitoring so that if somebody is trying to attack your network, they will find out about it long before you do.

And protect it. So it's kind of like having, like you know that crash insurance on a car, like a personal traffic cop directing traffic telling you don't pull in front of this. Don't crash into this guy Watch out over here. That's what the cyber insurance is probably going to do. Again depending on the policy make sure that, you know you're you're reading your policy you're talking to your broker about what you're going to get or not get…

Why did they do this? So while you probably figured it out they don't want to pay. Any more claims than they have to Now they're not going to rip you off if you get a claim, right That's a therefore, but they are going to help avoid them for you in advance. They're going to avoid it…

That's what you want to do You want to avoid it Why do you want to avoid it We might say well who cares? If I have a claim they'll just pay it. Well they'll pay it But of course there's a deductible and there's inconvenience You don't want to have a claim If you can avoid it. So let them do their job. And have some.

Protection dent


They're monitoring those pinging Well here's why this is a…key thing for insurance…

Most attacks. Do not get through the first try. They try and try and they try to get in they get blocked and they try again. So if they catch them on the first try they can block the other tries. How significant are these as well?

Ask. The American military…

Malware. Malware depending on how you pronounce it. Is attacking intelligence officials. From China to disrupt…

American deployments. So…if the us military with all of their resources…

Is vulnerable…

Too. Being disrupted. What chance do you have…you got to watch out for this stuff? China So malware against systems in Guam. Major military hub

Do you need to worry about it Well, You know, On the one hand you're not the military so you're not a high value target. But. The perpetrator of this was allegedly some major government organization trying to attack the U S military. That major government organization is not going to try to attack your laptop. Right.

Your Dell laptop is not at restaurant being attacked by some major…

Corporator some major government agency, however…

Your Dell laptop maybe at rest from some. Hacker living somewhere in another part of the world. Sitting in his basement. Banging away at your server. At the same time he's trying to bang away at tens of thousands of servers just taking IP addresses, running them through a scroll and hitting every IP address They can you have an IP address It's the number of your computer now?

With that…

So the hackers just go through all the IP addresses one after another…

until they find one that they can get in. Right. And it could be yours…

Could it be yours So think about it. You're probably going to get attacked the next two or three years. You probably hadn't only to be coverage for it. You're more likely to get attack with that than you are to crash your car. Probably core to the experts…

Allegedly as they say…

So the last subject that we'll touch on briefly is our old friend. Our old friend. Electric vehicles. So it's getting big time now. Rev up the.

electricity industry. Well, as we know. Elon Musk has…Tesla. Evie company you'd be car company…

What do you think about EVs? Pro or con. For a guest which I'm sure it's a strong opinion. You probably. Not in the middle.

As always have, definitely tell us and tell the world in the comments…

It's such an important. Pursuit for those in the industry and government. That now what's the next thing you do almost as once to do…

He's trying to have enough juice…

Because. Battery power vehicles will triple by 25. He anticipates in electricity shortage in two years…

Anticipates and electricity shortage in two years that could stunt. AI but also. EVs. There should be cool…

Electricity shortage in two years. So this has to do with EVs as we always talk about, but also has to do with AI It has to do with. You know your personal finance. Do a lot of things…

So. What is he trying to do He's trying to basically build more power grid…

My biggest concern is insufficient urgency. He tells energy executives, tell him the power companies. Come on you got to go faster…

There's some places that already have some. Minor blackouts. Brown outs or they're asking you not to use. A lot of electricity…

This is happening right now already two years they say it's gonna be a problem. Okay You really need to bring the timescale of projects in sooner and have a high sense of urgency…

You told PG ni

He's played a part of Cassandra. Trying to spark more attention. Metaphor for historical, fables. Required for his Evie and AI future So self interest in this. Evie and AI he's into both of those.

And…can emphasize enough we need more electricity…

However. How much electricity you think we need more than that is needed. There's another good quote…

You think he's on the track or you think he's kind of like sky is falling chicken little…

Do you think we need more electricity or do you think we'll have enough? One times…


Last thing about EVs. Key test for Evie sales is coming. What does that mean? General motors said it will double Evie production second half of the year. So.

Look they're not playing around. They're not just going up five or 10% They're going to double E V Production…

In the second half of the year not just like over time in. In half a year less than a year

They say predicting fall rollouts will…show how well EVs are expanding beyond enthusiastic What that means is just the regular Evy. Climate. Type enthusiast neuro type people. They're not the only ones are going to be more in the mainstream. But there were some cracks in the armor Tori is up.

Tesla's cutting prices. Ford is slowing it TV ramp up cautionary notes. Someone wall street think near-term Eve demand will disappoint. So here you go. It's.

Wall street thinks it'll disappoint. General motors disagree. There was a battle. The question's got to be That's where the article is going with this. Key tests for easy sales, what's going to happen.

Over the next year…

So start watching and you can watch it on this channel. What are the sales numbers in the second half of this year, third and fourth quarters. And the first quarter of 24. And we'll see where that needle's going. You know the needle was going up up up on EBS I was a little bit of a blip.

We don't know where it's going Maybe it's a head fake and it's going to go back up Maybe it's going to crash Maybe it's going to level out who knows. But that's going to be the key. At the same time. There will be external forces trying to make that happen one way or another Here's the problem. I shouldn't say problem but it's it's a reality.

There will be forces trying to boost artificially Eby sales, the manufacturers the government electric companies, media will all be trying to boost the sales to try to give it a jumpstart. Nobody's going to be. it back. Except for people who are non-buyers people don't want to buy them. So…you may find that they're going to use carrot in the stick.

If you're not really that interested in buying an Evie, they're going to keep throwing incentives at it right now It's 7,500 at least some states it's even more than that There's some states you can combine the federal state local. And,

utility incentives they come up with like 15,000 worth of incentives So that's the curate. The stick is if you don't buy one. We're going to start penalizing you. Higher gas prices higher taxes…

Less inventory…

Some manufacturers are. Are starting to restrict gasoline vehicle inventories at dealers and only have EVs. General motors is acting as if it can withstand a shakeout in the world. This is, this is the battle. This is the battle.

It's the popcorn moment. They have dozens of VV models over the next few years. Years…

It's really the next six 12 months I wish there'll be judged…

So. Porn moment. Pay attention. This is when it's kind of the rubber meets the road No pun intended or maybe it is. To see.

Where this will all play out…

You have an opinion. I know you do. So let's hear what it is…

Last subject We'll talk about briefly. Is Is on the investigative side or investigative agency active Intel…

We're seeing a lot more fraud cases in family. Law type events. So…if you or somebody you know, has an event going on in their family a divorce a death in the family even a birth of a child. Advise people around them to pay very close attention. To the activities Here's our website active Intel You can read more there…

There is a lot of fraud happening amongst family members with these events Now of course in a divorce you might expect it. Those two people are conflicting They're fighting amongst themselves…

They're both trying to get as much as they can. So what they're going to do is they're going to hide assets. You're going to hide a bank account You're going to take money out of a bank account You're going to put a lien on the house You're going to. Lower your income So you don't have to pay as much maintenance right You're going to do all kinds of things That's normal Normal, but pay attention to it because if you're. Entering into a divorce.


You may find that the other party was planning for this for. A while and advanced six months a year sometimes So they may have created another bank account started putting money over there, putting money in their friend's bank account. So you want to get good assets searching done asset tracing done to make sure you're not missing out and money That's coming due to you now. That's…not right but it's expected between two people that at that point are adversarial acrimonious. With each other.

What about…probate fraud? Well, if you are…

In a family where somebody has recently deceased, that person may have left assets in a will or bequeath to other people. In that family or outside the family for that matter…

And what happens when somebody dies is sometimes people who are close To that person family members or otherwise we'll say well this is a free for all right. It's kinda like in the stores when they do the looting. Whatever assets are available people are going to just try to grab. And hide them. If there's an old car in a bar and they may take it and put it somewhere.

If there's a bank account nobody knows about they may clean it out…

If there's. even a set of antique silverware that's worth you know $800 They'll grab it. We've seen many probate frauds in the hundreds of thousands People have taken bank accounts even property even real estate, maybe, you know, Somebody who lives near the deceased person knows that there's this empty lot that they bought 10 years ago that's worth a hundred thousand They could claim deed it to themselves. Nobody knows about it…

The worst part about these are these are scams and frauds against other people in the family Did they still have to be family members with. Maybe they, they re they like them. But they're still going to steal their money. So make sure You get a good audit trail of any…

Family event. The ceased owner…

Even somebody who's being incapacitated has Alzheimer's or dementia…

Or they're terminally ill and they're going to die People start grabbing money then they figure all they're not looking I'm going to grab…

Look at these things. We get. You know 10 or 15 inquiries a week on these, on this probate fraud. Type deal. And almost all the time we find some asset that's been improperly…

Shaved. Put somewhere else…

And these are people in the same family Most of the time…

So these frauds are rampant. Another type of fraud. That you'll see in family cases is when there's somebody who has maybe, you know new addition to the family. There may be scammers that know about This, that will…open accounts in that name because they know that nobody's going to really be paying attention. So the person's born to get a social security number They have a name they have an address.

They will start opening up accounts so they can use that synthetic identity. To do other things Sometimes it's a family member Sometimes it's not so. run credit checks run asset checks on a newly born baby. Usually wait about a year probably won't start showing up for six to eight months or a year. But we're seeing a lot more of those scams too…

Once again, we're glad to have you here. make sure to. pay attention to our channel four notices We're going to start having these live events these webinars, and also don't forget. You have opinions about these things Just like we do We're not the only ones with opinions. We know you have opinions too.

tell us what yours are. Because. That's all part of the Fun. It's to know what people think to know what each other thinks. So we can all talk about it a little bit more I…deeply and intelligently.

In future videos…

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