Student Data On Cell Phones Seized To Download Hidden Data

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Downloading hidden data from cell phones is a common practice in schools and in other public settings. In this episode, we'll discuss digital forensics and some public schools are using the same resources as the FBI to extract their students' data.

Here's a really good public article about how digital forensic is being used . To extract data for mobile devices . this has to do with how it's being used in public schools , but it gives you an example of how the , the information could be obtained and what the length and depth of information that's available . Here's a picture of a really good . laboratory for extracting data All of the phones are barcoded they're numbered in a bin . And this company celebrite it's They use a lot of the same tools that we use in investigations . And it talks about how , these tools are being used in schools to download data from students' cell phones Well whether or not that's moral or immoral that's a whole different story just . explains how this data can be pulled from phones And some of these school districts are spending six seven $8,000 . for these forensics cases , they are able to siphon text messages photos application . data from the students devices . So . They can have more access to phones of a student than a private citizen on the street because students . In most cases part of their code of conduct allows teachers to access their phones . and once they do they can download all this information . As an example . Here's a school that purchased $2 million worth of products , actually that was the FBI . as an exam . some of these schools are downloading deleted files from that . Mobile device . Some of them are , are downloading old app information Like what they posted on Facebook . and one of the things that the privacy advocates don't like is that some teachers are pulling out students that don't like out of class and running their phones to find reasons to suspend them . Right And they can find some . Incredible things on these phones Just think about all the activity on your phone text messages photos , emails , what websites you visited . even map data where you traveled to or is all going to be on that phone in many cases . If the app even been deleted if you had a secret app like WhatsApp or something else . You may find that the information is still in that phone . one of the . Best uses of this . Is where . The phone itself and many times it doesn't have to be unlocked You can plug these phones in to some of these devices and break right through the encryption to download the data . So . If you have a case where you're wondering here's a good example right here of the phone plugged into a , extraction device . And you can see in this photo , from this phone they have the date and time of this picture . If it was texted the file . number . the file name , and this can all be used to extract information . The in the worst case for a student could be embarrassing and get you kicked out of school in a civil case it could be the thing that breaks a case wide open to know that somebody is embezzlement or embezzling from a company or committing fraud or committing a crime or even in a marriage relationship infidelity . Case to show that a person is at a place where they're not supposed to be sometimes , cameras will even take intermittent photos without snapping the shutter . they can show up in some of these downloads and these data dumps This is a perfect example Example how it looks when , when these are done . this device . Can Can Collect All The information . From the phone . And then . Bring It over to a computer for analytics and forensics later to find out . What are the timestamps ? What does a metadata and where that phone has been used and on what apps in its history

Student Data On Cell Phones Seized To Download Hidden Data
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