Rebuilding Trust: How to Help Fraud Victims Recover and Thrive

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  • Overview of speaker's role: Beyond one-on-one consultations and advisory calls at Actual Human, there's extensive live in-person presentations to industry trade groups, professionals, and experts.
  • Highlight of ACFE (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) conference as a key event for fraud prevention professionals.
Main Discussion Points:
  • Purpose of the presentation: Shift from solely finding fraud to aiding fraud victims effectively.
  • Importance of proactive support: Comparing fraud detection to medical diagnosis without follow-up support.
  • Enhancing "bedside manner" in fraud investigations: Helping victims navigate recovery options and prevent further harm.
  • Types of victims: From business and consumer losses to complex probate cases.
Detailed Insights:
  • Advanced Victim Fraud Support presentation preview.
  • Emphasis on ACFE members' roles in not just detecting but also supporting victims.
  • Impact of faster fraud detection and its aftermath on victims.
Key Training Objectives:
  • Teaching fraud examiners to act as first responders.
  • Protocol for supporting victims: Coping mechanisms, engaging resources, and preventing cascading effects.
Closing Remarks:
  • Addressing the life-altering impact on victims within 24 hours of fraud discovery.
  • Invitation to explore further resources and support at Actual Human.
  • Encouragement for viewers to engage in live consultations for personalized advice and assistance.
Call to Action:
  • Encouragement to comment or ask questions on Actual Human's platform.
  • Highlighting availability of live one-on-one consultations with experts across various fields.
This structure outlines the episode's focus on empowering fraud examiners to support victims comprehensively, moving beyond detection to proactive victim assistance.

Rebuilding Trust: How to Help Fraud Victims Recover and Thrive
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