Real Estate and Artificial Intelligence: What the Future Holds

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Today's episode features subjects that people love to hear about: real estate and artificial intelligence. However, there's some troubling information, especially regarding artificial intelligence. Many promises have been made that AI is going to be beneficial and good for you. But what about the job market? Are you in a job that's vulnerable to artificial intelligence? Many people think that their jobs are not at risk, and they believe they can't be replaced. This may be true, but even in jobs that are technically safe from artificial intelligence, the job itself might become worse. Despite the expectations that AI would make things easier, as of the beginning of 2023, it may actually be negatively affecting jobs.

Moving on to real estate, everybody loves to talk about it. Many people want to have a crystal ball to predict future prices and rates. Some are taking the risky step of buying a house now at a high-interest rate, hoping that rates will come down eventually. But until they do, they have to pay the mortgage payment based on the high rate they acquired. Hoping for rates to come down is not a guess, opinion, wishful thinking, or an assumption based on the saying "What goes up must come down." Unlike gravity, interest rates are not governed by the rules of physics; they belong to the realm of finance, which is entirely different. So, what are the facts?

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Real Estate and Artificial Intelligence: What the Future Holds
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