Opportunities Amidst Turmoil: Adapting Jobs, Evading Scammers, and Industry Shifts
Download MP3…Well hello again everybody Thanks for coming back to describe T V and our channel We have a really good. Show for you today. Yeah we've been away for a couple of days. We have the usual suspects We have a AI taking over jobs We have real estate prices and one surprising measurement of what's happening. With.
overall affordability not just prices and interest rates, but also what that. Results in as far as a budget percentage. We also have an interesting. evaluation of the overall. Cultural development what's happening with.
things like. Accountability. And employment and in society. So the usual suspects are there even EVs will make an appearance today. But first let's talk about the thing that everybody loves to.
Look at, as the villain and that is artificial intelligence. It's no secret that AI is out there. Possibly taking over jobs in this article. It says that. It's taking 80,000 jobs just in grand rapids in Michigan just in one…
City one town…
AI is taking 80,000 jobs…
It's not nationwide That's not in the state This is in one sit. in Michigan That's a pretty big deal. If you think about it…
There's a lot of people that are not going to have employment or have lower employment in that town because of artificial intelligence…
I know you have an opinion about that. I know you do. So we'd love to hear it We want to know what…
This is doing for. Your job hunting, maybe you're looking for a raise Maybe you want a promotion. It's AI putting restrictions. On your career path…
These artificial intelligence. I don't know. I guess you'd call them…
Advancements. Or changes. Or not. Doing anything sudden they're not creating immediate…
Crisis. in job markets but…over time, These effects add up. And you may not even know that your job. Was lost because of AI You may not even know. That you didn't get a raise because of AI.
It just may be that in the long. Range plans for a company they don't need to add as many employees. They don't need to have as many managers…
And you might think well my job is not at risk Well…
AI has already surpassed human capabilities in several domains which jobs are next Here's the thing. Think about it. If you are. Good…job…
The sound where…
AI is not affecting you. Every job that's being affected today by AI. At one point wasn't…
Right It's all new. How long has AI been around in jobs A couple of years maybe. So when a couple of years if it's already surpassed human capabilities, What's going to happen in the next few years, it's rapidly developing technology according to the article…
One expert says that while benefits are exciting industries and society at large must prepare for disruptions that are coming. Disruptions that are coming because of AI…
Do you think. That artificial intelligence. Is going to disrupt you. In the short time since AI were unleashed AI already performs as well as the average programmer and passed the bar exam…
So whatever job you have, is it more complicated than a programmer and an attorney or less complicated? And if it's less complicated, The only reason why AI is not come to your world is because…either it's not a big enough market yet or they haven't figured it out yet how to do it…
It's taken jobs everything from…
The drive-through window to attorneys and everywhere in between instead of an actual human. You now have. Chatbots…
Automated responses
How are you going to compete with that Well one good thing that you may have going for you is that the chat bots and the AI many times get it wrong. Many times they're incorrect…
Dangerous chat GBT hallucinations that strike without warning can't ever be fixed What's a hallucination. It's a term used to describe when AI chatbox state false hoods as facts. Some experts are concerned. Cause these solutions. And hallucinations cannot be fixed and could have damaging impacts on jobs and lives…
So there may be some. Like at the end of the tunnel where some. Companies are starting to realize look, this might not work out too well. Using AI…
Because they're wrong. But. How wrong do they have to be…
In order to make it not worthwhile to save the money. Think about this. Think about whatever you earn. As an employee not what your take-home paycheck is, but if you look at your paycheck, And you look at your gross pay. Before taxes before.
Deductions before FICA before insurance all that stuff. What's the top line. The mouth of the company paid out. If you take that number and you add…about 10%…
That's how much the company pays and you might say well, what's the other expense Well, that FICA line is…
of your paycheck. In addition to the amount that you pay your company also pays another 7.15% separately. So that's 7% plus there's about 3%. Cross for most employees. In terms of HR in terms of…
You know resources services other perks that come with the job you may not see them as a big deal but there's use about 3% So if you take. What your gross pay is plus 10% That's what you cost a company every week. So let's just say round numbers. You cost the company a thousand dollars a week Let's just throw a number out there just for math purposes You might make a lot more than that You might make less than that. So that's a thousand a week That's $52,000 a year…
And let's say there are 10 employees. That could be consolidated with AI down to maybe one employee. So instead of 52,000 a year times 10 that's 520,000…
That's a half a million dollars a year. The company could save. By going to AI. Maybe having one employee So they save maybe four 50…
That $450,000 is free money How bad does the. AI robot have to be. To make up for saving $400,000 or 500,000 or half a million. And. The reason that that's important is because even if AI is not perfect it might be close enough to be worth saving half a million bucks…
Because the owners of your company might look at it and say well, what can we do with a half a million We could either. Spend it on our advertising. Spend it on research and development, maybe more inventory. Maybe they just take it as a dividend and put it in their pocket…
It's a big incentive to go to AI. And even if artificial intelligence is not ready for prime. right now Maybe it's not, you know completely. You know, technically sophisticated. For most businesses…
It's going to get there soon…
Think about how fast computers and programming and Microsoft windows developed in the nineties and two thousands How, how fast that came along in the internet. You know, most of us can remember if we're older than about 40. AOL remember AOL. You've got mail, right Think about how clunky and outdated that seems now. That was 20 years ago 15 years ago Really…
What's happening with AI right now is going to seem like…
Playing with…
10 years from now five years from now. So be prepared and we're going to talk a little bit later about how it's affecting society what you can do. To prepare yourself for what the new environment will be in. We always recommend thinking four or five years down the road…
Right If it's 2023, think about 28, 29…
What are those years kind of be like how can you set yourself up for success in 2028? It can be very important. to do that because 2028 will be here before you know it. And when it gets here, if things are different and you haven't prepared for that new environment that new world. you might be shut out of a lot of things.
Think about the things now you're already shut out of because of decisions that were made or weren't made in 2018 or 2017. Or who knows when…
Right. Think about if you had hindsight and you knew I should've bought this internet stock five years ago that would've been really good. Maybe we should have bought a house Let's talk about houses…
Real estate is one of the things that everybody is. Focusing on. Why is that Well look what happened with real estate. How much it went up…
Right now. It's very very difficult. To find a reasonably priced house. Right Very very difficult. So a lot of people are going to building a new house.
And that's where the question comes in Is it better to build a buy a house? There are enough homes available for sale Are you better off just building a new one? Depends on time and money It's really time because for the first time in recorded history…
Building a new home is cheaper than buying a used home Buying a resale…
If you're trying to find a home right now, you're probably scratching your head where to look. There's a three month supply of housing far short of the six months That's a balanced market. And that three months is really an understatement because a lot of that is what's called left-handed inventory. inventory Really a lot of people don't want…
A lot of people who own a home are locked in low mortgage rates So they're not going to sell. Instead of trying to find sellers who want to give up you might want to look into building a brand new property. And as…general contractors. Which you know we're a. licensed building company.
We see this all the time What is what goes into building a new home Well it's not, not for the faint of heart. It's a tough project. First you have to have the land. That's the easy part There's plenty of land out there. There's plenty of empty raw land out there It's because it's hard to sell…
house that's move in ready or at least livable. It's an easy thing to sell because somebody can buy it and live there immediately…
A property which…is raw land that needs improvement that needs utilities that need site work That needs construction is more difficult to sell because. it's not turnkey Somebody can't just move in that day. Most people that are buying property they need a place to live right now…
They can't wait. So if you can…
If you don't need a place to live right now maybe you're renting. Maybe you're going to keep your house and. And put it on Airbnb. Building a house might be a good way to go Here's why. You can probably get a…
Construction of a new home done in most markets in about a year to year and a half Now that depends a lot on how fast your permits can get turned around your approvals. What the supply of building trade capacity is some markets It might take two or three years. But if you really put your mind to it you could do it in a year and a half…
Once you did the site acquisition…
The other problem is financing It's not the money It'll probably turn out cheaper to build a new house than to buy a resale home…
The problem is you can't normally just get conventional financing for the whole. Home. Cost on a construction. First you have to buy the land Most times you're going to have to figure on buying the land and cash So that's your down payment. Maybe you buy a piece of land for a hundred thousand?
Well if you're going to put down a hundred thousand dollars, Down payment on new house We'll put it for the piece of land. You can normally get a construction loan…
For the building part of it from a lender it's a little trickier than doing a regular mortgage. It's a little trickier. The paperwork is more difficult and plus they don't just give you a check for the whole amount they give what's called draw checks. So when the foundation is in, they'll give you X amount for that that when the framing is up they give you more money that's so you can pay the draws for your contractor…
But if you can stand and stomach that process and you have a good builder. You can actually be in better shape because here's the other thing…
Even if you start looking for a house today…
Because the inventory is so limited for used homes. We're talking about. You may not be able to find the right house that you want for a year anyway. You might have to keep looking for months and months and months to a year So the end result time of getting into a house might be about the same. It's just a different way of getting their different process and it is more difficult.
There's a lot more red tape It's going to be a hassle. However at the end of the day you will have a house that has the floor plan that you selected You won't have to make a combinations of moving walls and changing windows. Because it's built brand new. You won't have any. Maintenance repairs or.
Inspection defects to worry about because it's a new house. When you buy a resale used home. You might have. To do a roof You might have to do septic You might have to do paint. There might be things broken, right Even if the roof is fine, if the roof is 10 years old, you know most roofs last 20 30 years, you're going to be 10 years closer to needing a new roof than if you have a new house.
You're going to be 10 years closer to needing new air conditioner system Right. So it's something that people are talking about…
Build or buy a house…
And it's worth taking a look into if you have the financial means to come out of pocket for the. Property and also be able to stomach the building process Cause it's not for the faint of heart It's not easy…
But also has a lot of rewards…
So sneak peek jump ahead Mortgage rate envy You're not alone with interest rates climbing. A new form of one-upmanship mortgage rate humble brag So people now instead of bragging about their income or bragging about their kid got in a good college Now people are bragging about what interest rate you have Here's a nice. Image of people at a party This guy has 8% This guy is six This woman has four, right? This. lucky lady here has 2%.
Right. Rooftop party in Philadelphia. Everybody asks Or…not…
Where did you buy but when did you buy Cause that determines whether you got the interest rate of a lifetime or you didn't…
Interest rate of a lifetime. I can remember in the 1980s So it was a movie that came out. with Charlie's Shane. called wall street…
And wall street was about corporate greed and stock market manipulation But one of the lines in the movie. Charlie sheen was talking to the character. his name was bud Fox but his father. was played by, Martin sheen. And Martin sheen.
Was kind of a blue collar worker worked in New York. And was really just frustrated Like how can his son. bud Fox the character. Could…make. $50,000 a year which at the time was a lot of money.
And not…be saving a lot of money He was going to his father to borrow a couple of hundred dollars. And his father said man you make $50,000. How do you need to borrow money from me Where's all your money going And he said well you know, You know I got apartment and I got to buy suits and I got to do all this stuff. His father said look I make that much money And I have a lot of money left over. And…
His son said yeah that's because. You have a 5% mortgage and you rent out the upper room. Because at the time mortgage rates are 12 14%. So his 5% mortgage seemed like a low mortgage That right now is still a little bit lower than normal, but 3% is even lower. The difference between a 3% mortgage and the current almost 8%, especially with the house.
A price factor. Is huge We're going to do a calculation here in a minute to show how much that has changed. It's probably worth. Half a million dollars over the course of a lifetime. Whether or not you got a 3% mortgage or.
In 8% mortgage. It could be worth a half a million dollars on your personal net worth. So this mortgage rate comparison one-upmanship is a big deal. That's the thing that's really really happening. So weigh in below.
Let us know What is your mortgage rate scenario…
You got into twos you got into threes. Or…
Are you…
In the seventh or eighth or do you not own a home? The other thing is, do you own for cash Is that better or worse? If…you do not have a mortgage do you wish that you took out a home equity line of credit at 2% Because here's in theory what you could have done if you own your house. cash…
And in 2018 you decided Hmm I'm going to take equity out of my house. And get an equity line of credit or maybe just cash out refinance your house. And you got 3% mortgage. And let's say you had a $500,000 house You take out that 500,000, you pay 3% right now you could put it into a CD. And make 5%.
So you'd be 2% of the good…
So is it a good idea? That you have your house owned for cash A lot of people say it is a good idea and it probably is. But that's something to keep in mind What about home builders Let's go back to home builders. Cause that's something that is…
An interesting phenomenon. Home builders are at max capacity. So is that going to solve the housing? Shortage Apparently not. Because builders are building as fast as they can and the house.
shortage keeps widening What does that tell you about what's going to happen to the housing market? The only escape route…
The only. Solution. To the housing crisis is more houses…
Resale homes are not going to come in the marketplace It's like musical chairs Anytime somebody stands up they got to sit down somewhere else…
So if a resale home comes for sale, that's not like a new house in the market because that person living in the house, they have to buy a house somewhere else. Most smart people Now they buy there. Replacement house before they sell their old house Otherwise musical chairs you get stuck If there's no music. You're stuck standing up…
So resale homes are not the solution to the housing crisis…
Not the solution. The only solution is building new homes Well, home builders are at max capacity Now that's on average nationwide. You can still. find builders who will build you a house. They might be a few months out to get started but that might take you that much to get the site work approvals permits, and, property acquisition…
Builder's not building fast enough to overcome a towering housing Devin deficit not a small housing deficit a towering deficit…
So that tells you right there what the future holds for the real estate market. Prices are not going to crash It's not an opinion It's not like wishful thinking. A lot of people who are. Watching the real estate market. Are expecting wishing for housing prices have to crash because they went up.
Well just cause they went up. Like they did in 2005 or six doesn't mean they have to crash like they did in 2008 and nine. Big difference. 2008 nine. 20 or 30% of homeowners in quotes where people that really wouldn't qualify for a mortgage, they just got a no money down interest Only no income verification, no asset verification.
They were giving…loans out like candy. Anybody could get a mortgage…
So a lot of people that at homes really couldn't afford it once their interest rate. Reset to the normal rates. That's a variable rate mortgage Now everything's fixed rate low interest rate Nobody's going to sell these houses Nobody has to sell them No one's in financial distress…
So the market is not going to crash because of. Resale homes coming into the marketplace and they can't build them fast enough. The housing shortage keeps widening builders have been trying to keep up for at least two years now. Keeps widening that tells you all you need to know about what's going to happen in the market. It's widening.
It's it's pretty, pretty easy to see what's going to happen…
Your thoughts I know you have an opinion about that…
First of all tell us your opinion about what you want to have happen. But then tell us the opinion about what you think is going to happen…
Going to talk real quick again, here about mortgages from a different standpoint our investigative division. Many times looks at different types of fraud and one of the most common types of fraud. It is. What's called a wire transfer fraud. And the way that works is scammers will send fake emails.
Two title companies. To tell them to wire money to the wrong place. And it could be a mortgage It could be a down payment on a property. And one of the ways that this shows up is what's called mortgage payoff fraud. It's still going up 532% quarter over quarter That's not over the course of a year That's for one quarter to another…
With home transactions down fraudsters are turning to more. payoff fraud to secure bigger payouts. Mortgage pal fraud occurs when a title company mistakenly sends a mortgage payoff to a fraudulent bank account after receiving wire instructions that. Appear to be from a mortgage company. The instructions are from fraudsters and they're very sophisticated They'll create a website.
They'll create emails, they'll create all kinds of documentation and they'll get the title company to do it. We've said many times there's a real simple solution to this. If you're a title company I…
don't send the whole amount. All at once send a test…
Payment a hundred dollars $50 whatever to the supposedly wire transfer…
Bank account and a routing number. Once you send it, then contact the actual mortgage company the lien holder and ask them Hey did you get the money? Make sure you're talking to the actual place. You can look up their phone number. Online you can go to the.
website for the actual mortgage company and call them directly Don't…count in their email…
And then if they got the money now you can send the big amount to that same account number It's easy to avoid, but they're still losing millions 12 million 1.9 million It's huge. Right. Mortgage payoffs average 230 6,000…
And fraudsters are very crafty when it comes to servicing because they're able to send an E fax to a title company and it replaces the current statement they have on file. So mortgage companies are falling victim to this as well. Since around the subject of mortgages, let's take a look at what the difference. In mortgage payments are. So right now the average price of a house median price I should say median price is 448,000 I believe.
Many houses are more than that. Right. so let's say if you took a $540,000 house. You have a 30 year fixed mortgage. 7.7 5% which is about the rate right now.
You're going to have a monthly payment of 38 69…
Almost $4,000 call it what it is $4,000. If you went back in time. To 2018. That'd be five years ago, you could find this This is an above average house. You could find a nice house probably for let's say.
Three 50. Right. But your interest rate would probably be let's call it three. Point seven five…
We'll look at your payment…
16. 21. That's…$2,000 less more than $2,000 less $2,200 less…
That three 50 house is probably the one that costs five 40 now…
Three 50 was above average back then. So that's a comparable house So your $2,000. More. For the same house interest rate went up and the price went up. $2,000 a month.
That's $25,000 a year…
If you have the house for 20 years, that's half a million dollars…
You have a house for 10 years paying the extra amount. It's a quarter million dollars. That's not counting the extra You have to pay in taxes, property taxes go up When prices go up. Your insurance goes up based on the value of the house. What else is going up?
Well, New car prices…
New car prices have gone up…
What is the new car price right now Well new car price right now. 48,000 3 34 That's the average transaction price. $48,000 for new car…
That's going up 3 30, 7 more than in June 200 more than in, July of 22, 40 $8,000. Now what is that? Re re result in for a loan payment. Well if you take $48,000 for five years. 7% interest rate which is about what you get on a car loan.
That's $950 a month almost a thousand dollars a month for a car loan. Well, again let's go back to 2018. In 2018. The average price of a car with $36,000. You see that right there at $36,000?
Well let's plug that in. Let's put in $36,000 right here…
And let's put that interest rate back down to…let's say three you could probably get from less than three…
Now your payment 6 46 you just saved $300. So between the 2200 on the house. Yeah, you save 300 here. You're spending now…
2,500. just for your house in one car, not counting gasoline and food and taxes and insurance Everything else. So $2,500 a month…
Times. How many months are you talking about in your life? 10 years. 15 years. Right.
You're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars that are now additional expenses. For consumers. Because of. The…
Additional. Increases in rates. And in prices…
I know you have an opinion about that…
Put that in the comments…
We're gonna take a quick break. When we come back. We are going to talk about. An interesting development in. Cyber attack insurance, where insurance companies are now starting to.
the future. That there's going to be a whole lot more cyber attacks. That will be upcoming…
And it will probably affect not only, employers and industries and businesses but also consumers. So keep an eye out for that. Give us a minute or two to reset It would be back shortly
Alright here we go. So here's the thing before we jump into that let's take a look at some maybe good news If you are. Looking for a job or. The potential employee. I don't know if this has kind of happened.
But. The union for auto workers is asking…
For a. raise for auto workers. UAW United auto workers. Demands…
$150 per hour per employee…
$150 per hour per employee. That's what they're asking for from the big three which is general motors…
Still Lantus, which is Chrysler Jeep. And Ford. Asking $150 per hour…
We think about that…
Obviously if you were an auto worker one 50 would sound pretty good, right? Question is if they give one 50…
What's going to happen to car prices We just saw car prices are 48,000. Right now the average rate according to. Th the articles 45. Where is it…
$64 per hour…
Salaries and benefit…
They want to go to one 50 that's almost triple. So what, what is that going to do to the price of a car? It's good for the worker, but would you be willing to pay $80,000 for a car? If the workers are making one 50, I don't know…
I don't know. There's pros and cons to each thing. I know you have an opinion about that…
So let's hear what it is. Speaking of…working…
Something else That's starting to be a complaint of employers now…
You know, hear me out This is not, this is not me talking This is what employers are saying. Maybe it's employees to maybe your work. Space has this same problem You tell me. You tell me. Supposedly…
People. don't know how to act in the office. Bosses have a solution etiquette class. Gen Z and old people. Or having problems getting along at work.
So. Employee employment…
HR people are having to hire…
Etiquette class training to know how to act in public…
Is this a good idea Do you think you need this in your job Do like the, do you think the people around you need to learn this because. It seems pretty extreme…
I don't know I'm sure there's people you don't like at work. But do you need advocate class again It's just a question. Maybe you do maybe you don't. Maybe some jobs are better than others…
In fact. According to Elizabeth Strout famous author. It may be more than just at work It may be society as a whole. She said. I don't see how we in the us can find a way to come back together as a country
I mean, granted that's one person's opinion but…
It just says that sometimes this view of being able to get along is more than just etiquette class in one company It's…
You know people in general…
All right So…we're going to talk real quick about this cyber insurance And we're going to talk about some very interesting. Fraud cases where there was a fugitive that was hiding in plain sight. we're going to take a look at. An opportunity for you If you want to know what business or job to get in there's something that's going to be guaranteed to be in demand. In the future because of what's happening to the economy Can't miss that.
But first. But first. The…
I guess elephant in the room. Is are there any risks? Two. Business industry. From cyber attacks.
A lot of investors are thinking that there is. A cyber resist a risk solution company called resilience. Has. Taken in a hundred million dollars in financing And this isn't the only money they've taken in. This is series D So that means there was previous money invested.
Cyber InsureTech company That means they insure people against cyber attacks. Apparently the investor market thinks that's a good business to be in…
Because. They're throwing money at it left and right A hundred million dollars. Another factor. That goes into this is a lot of people that have insurance thinks they want to go to another company…
Most people that have insurance don't like their current company more than really any other time…
Back to cyber insurance, global ransomware attacks at an all time high us is a primary target This is August seven. So global ransomware attacks surged 43%…
In a year…
That's not true It surged but 43% were in the U S. My bad…
Either way it's a serious problem for…
Industries but also it affects consumers because if your company that you rely on for products or services gets hit you're out of business. You're out of luck. Right…
If you're an employee. You may have to be. On furlough for a couple of weeks until they get their stuff straightened out…
Speaking of scams How about this guy? This guy. Was a. scammer fraudster. He scammed.
700,000 on fake investments and we see this all the time. In AR. Investigation company active Intel…
He's the kind of person that will tell you. I'll double your money in two months and then takes your money. Well he got caught. He was actually sentenced to prison. Here's his prison pitcher.
He escaped from a federal prison four years ago. What was he doing? Well, he was living as a. High net worth wealthy individual on Palm beach island. In Florida.
Living in a million dollar house. he was donating money to charities. he was he's picture was even taken on a. Celebrity type charity ball in Palm beach…
So he wasn't really keeping a low profile Was he…
Serving a 20 year sentence for mail fraud. And he escaped from Colorado…
He had a photo posted online by the Palm beach daily news…
Where he was at some industry event. So…here's the last thing How about an opportunity You want an opportunity Well guess what. Here's a story that may not seem like it's a job opportunity but it really is. In Maine many cities and towns are facing historic tax increases and costs are rising Relentless Okay What does this have to do with jobs? School budgets municipal budgets all kinds of government budgets are are really being crushed right now because tax revenue is going down.
With. Less purchases being made less payroll being paid…
The tax that's collected by the government at the local level not federal government I'm talking local government city state towns. County. Their tax revenues going down at the same time it's going down, their expenses are going up Every we talked a little while ago about how your mortgage payment goes up because of interest rates The house price went up. Gas goes up Insurance goes up. All of these different commodities have gone up with inflation Well the government's not immune to that.
They have inflation hitting their government budget just like you do…
So what happens is the government now has two. Figure out. How the heck are they going to pay their bills? They don't have the taxes coming in but they still have to pay for things like fixing the streets. Maybe staffing the the The county clerk.
Right? So what they do is they start cutting services. Maybe it's an afterschool tutoring service. Maybe it's cutting. A recreational.
Facility like a park. So they're going to start cutting non essential services. So if you are a person that can provide replacement to government services, You have an opportunity. What does that look like? Well, maybe you're a tutor You can tutor the students that are not getting enough afterschool assistance.
Maybe you can create a little recreational. After school…
Facility. You know basketball league…
Think of the things that government is cutting. Our investigative division active Intel. We're getting more business because people can't go to the police anymore to investigate a fraud crime or a theft. They have to pay a private investigator to do it. So think of all the things that the budget is going to cut.
For a municipal services and look at how you can…fill in those gaps because people still need these things. They still need things that governments provide…
And if the government doesn't provide them then the private sector may have to kick in Maybe it's your company that you own, maybe it's who you work for. You can suggest adding those services. Either way. That's an opportunity. Four.
Clever ambitious people to try to. Take advantage of…
The fact that governments aren't fulfilling the need that. Consumers and residents need…
It's a lot to take in today I know you have opinions about all this. We'd love to hear from you…
Keep the comments coming, check out all the channels we're on YouTube rumble Facebook Twitter, LinkedIn. Make sure you see them all check out our websites actually actual human.com is a good one to start with You can see it right there. Gives you all the information on different types of…
Consultation advice you can get in different subjects. We know how hard it is to navigate. The world of businesses now that everything is on AI and chatbots and nobody no real humans are out there talking to. Customers or consumers…
Thanks for the visit.