Online Motorcycle Parts Company Scams Customers Out Of $600,000+

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What happens when a company goes bankrupt but still continues to make sales? Bankruptcy fraud is what happens. In this episode, we'll talk about a recent case of bankruptcy fraud that came from an online motorcycle parts company.

At our Our website car titles about 30% of the titles we work on are for motorcycles. A lot of people need titles for motorcycles and there's a couple of reasons why motorcycles are more prevalent with car title problems than they are for vehicles We'll get to that in other videos. but here's an interesting article If you've been a motorcycle enthusiast you may have heard of bike bandit. It's a Company that sells motorcycle parts performance parts replacement parts It's kind of an enthusiast Website for motorcycle owners. And this company Basically went bankrupt in the middle of the night. And they left More than half a million dollars of customer orders unfulfilled. The scary part is they actually We're continuing to take orders even after they knew they were bankrupt.
The seller declared bankruptcy in February but the website stayed up leading thousands of customers to pay for orders They would never receive. according to the article and according the bankruptcy trustee for that matter. So let us know in the comment did you order any parts from bike bandit And if you did was it after February because that's when they filed bankruptcy. If it was before February did you have problems getting delivery We've had some clients report back even as far as November December that they ordered it Never got anything. They claim that it was on back order At the company. This is called bankruptcy fraud. And because a lot of our clients are motorcycle enthusiast We'd like to hear back to see if this happened to you And if it's hurting your ability to get your bike on the road. look it's the beginning of summer You want to get your bike riding before the summer season's over Is this something that's affected you as a motorcycle owner.

Online Motorcycle Parts Company Scams Customers Out Of $600,000+
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