Online Money Transfers – Fraud & Risk Prevention

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With so many online funds transfer companies popping up every day, how do you know which are legitimate and which will just take off with your money? In this episode, we'll discuss precautions to take when sending money through an online platform.

…Financial technology or FinTech is an area of industry that is creating almost daily. New platforms and new methods of performing financial transactions It could be money transfers It can be insurance. It might be lending mortgages. The fact that technology and artificial intelligence. Is creating new capabilities. at a rapidly increasing pace. It allows…Work that used to be done by humans. Or that needed more expense to be shrunk down into much more efficient workflows work processes. One of those is money transfer. And this company sends sprint…That had an executive moved over from another firm. Has introduced an international money transfer platform. And they're starting with a $5 flat fee. It's a pretty big deal. Usually it's a sliding scale based on value And…to be fair this particular company has right now limited. Markets this sprint company, fast simple hassle free international money transfers. Has a flat fee…We're not associated with them We don't get paid from them This is just an observation of the types of technology systems that are coming out every day We see news like this. You know these two or three times a week. So if you have the need to do money transfers, Or wire transfers or get money from a to B…Be aware that the technologies that you have used in the past. May become outdated very quickly Even things like Zelle or PayPal or Venmo…have advantages but there are new platforms that come out regularly Now it's a balance right ? You want to make sure that. Any new technology that you use is legitimate. It's not a scam They're not just taking your money. You want to know who's backing it. If you send it over large about. of money. Is the recipient really gonna get it something to to investigate with these also. What is the security. Footprint of these platforms Do they have protection against you losing your money ? As we've talked about in other videos. One of the methods you can use. When sending money through a new platform for the first time or to a new recipient…It's to send a small amount first as a test. to make sure. That it goes to the right place And then if you have a bigger amount you want to send, you can verify that your recipient got it and then send the full amount afterwards. Many banking institutions used to do this PayPal is a matter of fact, when they first set up an account used to send you two or three small deposits 2 cents 8 cents 21 cents whatever it was. And you had to type those amounts in. To your app before they verified your account, you could do the same thing as a sender. To make sure that where you're sending your money is going to the right place and it's not lost in. In the internet somewhere. But this is just the latest example of this sprint money transfer. It's called send sprint. That allows…Humans. To send money through technology and artificial intelligence driven platforms. And the fact that these are all technology makes it a lot cheaper a lot less friction in the system.

Online Money Transfers – Fraud & Risk Prevention
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