One Party Won't Agree To Mediation? Here's What You Can Do

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Do you ever find yourself in a situation where the other party in your conflict won't agree to mediation? In this episode, we'll discuss what happens if the other party in a conflict won't agree to mediation and how to persuade them into taking part. In addition, we'll discuss how one-way mediation works if the other party just won't budge.

…So are you in a dispute with somebody or company Of course you are at any given point in life Everybody has some conflict or dispute with another person or company, but what do you do about it? How do you get it resolved? Well, you can escalate it all the way up from just a casual conversation to an argument to a whole full blown court case in litigation. In any event. Many times it's helpful. To have a third party get involved. A mediator and arbitrator. Sometimes a court requires mediation before you go to court. Well, even if you want a mediator to help get involved at keep this from escalating to keep it from getting more expensive and getting it more. farther apart in ideas. What if the other person doesn't want to get involved? What if the other person says I'm not doing mediation right? You say it takes two to have a conversation Well maybe not. Is there such a thing. As a one-way mediation a one-person mediation And how can it help you? Well, all right. Mediation…to do something they don't agree with A mediation is simply there…to help show both parties. What their common ground already is what might be a workable solution What are the options? And also to help dissolve some of the anxiety and some of the. The fighting points. What if. If you can't get the other person you just did that yourself. Many times we perform mediation for one party by themselves First…And then hopefully you can bring the other party in. Immediation as a third party can talk to you as a…combatant in a dispute combatant in an argument and point out to you Look, here's what the other side might be doing. Here's how you can protect yourself. Here's maybe. Reading between the lines what their language is saying Maybe that person might seem mean and angry and toxic. Maybe they're just crying out for help. Maybe they just need you to throw them a lifeline. where the other party seems like they're out for blood and they're fighting They got their Dukes up. It's really that they're just defensive They're scared They're scared of getting ripped off. They're scared of losing. Maybe they have some kind of ego problem…Many times there's easy ways to disarm that even if the other party isn't interested in getting involved with a mediation. With a third party like our company. Many times you can introduce the mediation elements yourself because look you have to talk to that party, whether it's through your attorney whether it's through some, some employment contract, whether it's just through talking to your neighbor over the fence about some. you have. We can load you up with. The things that we would say in mediation that might help you break the ice. You can say the same things a mediator can, the mediator is not doing anything magic The for somebody. They're just recognizing. What. The. Hannibal to the solving the case. They're just kind of psychological mental hangups. We can help you. Get through that language. With the other party. Bye. What we call loading the lips We can tell you what to say what words to use based on what we see from the other party you can show us email texts. case information whatever it is. And help you see through that We can see through the fog of a fight to know really what's going on with that other party and help you…Carry them to that solution. A lot of times they look at you like an adversary and they're not going to listen to anything you say. There's very simple ways to…deescalate that Now part of it is you have to be willing to do it as well which is a hard thing to do You have to swallow your pride. But we can make that easier too We can tell you how it's not going to be that bad. You're not going to really have to lose. You don't have to be defeated. You can maintain your pride your dignity. You can even win So before you give up. On a mediated solution. Consider one way mediation single party mediation. If you can't get the other person in. At least start with that. To see if you can move the ball forward using the same skills that a mediator would have Look you probably already have these skills You probably already know it. You're good at talking to people. You're good at working through resolutions You've done it many times in your life with other people family friends, you solve problems, even if you've ever been a matchmaker and put two people together in a dating relationship. In some ways that's a form of collaboration. You probably already have these skills. You probably just don't recognize what you can do with your own power to solve the problem So consider one way mediation. Obviously it's better to have both parties involved. So you don't want to squander that if you can get everybody on to the table, but if you can't that's an option Remember we're not attorneys check your legal advice to make sure you're doing things the right way. Don't get yourself well being is in danger You know don't go up against somebody who's violent or kind of fight you are going to do damage to you make sure that you do all that but this is just about a hypothetical theoretical way to proceed. If all the other things are safe for you or legal for you. That you have that option.

One Party Won't Agree To Mediation? Here's What You Can Do
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