New EV Tax Credits Are On The Way

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The federal government recently announced new tax credits for electric vehicle buyers, but they differ from the old tax credits because some of them now have income restrictions. In this episode, we'll discuss the new EV tax credits and who is eligible for these credits.

So have you seen in the news there's a lot going on with electric vehicles One of the first things is this. New inflation reduction act. Has put some new incentives and new rules for incentives into electric vehicle tax credits And this article in the wall street journal talks about some of that, not all of the credits and the the calculations even have been analyzed yet And you can keep an eye on our website. to see what those require. are. The most important thing that's different is there's income limits Meaning that if the applicant makes over a certain threshold they're not eligible for tax credits, basically they don't want rich people to get tax credits on electric vehicles. They're also vehicle price caps for the same reason. They're not going to give, Evie credits for very high end vehicles. And there's other variations that affect the cost of electric vehicle. one of them has to do with the manufacturing location certain, imported electric vehicles not eligible Only domestic vehicles like Ford and other ones So we'll have a list on our website of all the calculations all the forms you need. But also keep in mind is you might want to act quickly because. Ford about the same time This came out announced that there's some bad news for their electric vehicles. They have announced price increases. So for vehicles that are eligible for the tax credits, price increases are between 6,000 8,500 depending on the model. This is for the F-150 light. they also are doing this for the e Mustang. so if you are in the market you might want to try to purchase one Before these price increases Kick in general motors is reported to be looking at the same thing. so be aware that a lot of changes with the electric vehicle pricing and also with the electric vehicle. incentives. So you want to make sure that you, match you're buying. Date time. Model with what the maximum availability of these intensives might be.

New EV Tax Credits Are On The Way
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