New Cyber Hacking Tactics on the Rise: What You Need to Know

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In both the insurance and investigative industries, we see many attempts at hacking or cyber liability toward companies, sometimes even government agencies. What we’re witnessing more and more is that hackers or ransomware attackers set the ransom or loss amount based on their perception of the victim’s cyber insurance. It’s like the old adage of a robber asking how much you have before deciding how much to take; they want it all. In this episode, we'll discuss how hackers are targeting insurance policies.

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Protecting your business from cyber threats is crucial, and having a solid cyber liability insurance policy in place is a vital part of that protection. If you have any questions about insurance, our experienced professionals can help you assess your business's unique risks and provide tailored recommendations for the right coverage to keep your business safe and secure. Don't wait until it's too late; take the first step towards a safer future for your business today.
New Cyber Hacking Tactics on the Rise: What You Need to Know
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