Mediation Is Successful In 77% Of Lawsuits

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Did you know that according to court records, mediation is successful 77% of the time when it’s applied in a litigation case? Whether it’s for probate, divorce, or civil cases, mediation works 77% of the time.

Do you remember that According to court records, mediation is successful 77% of the time when it's applied in a litigation type case whether it's a probate case divorce case civil lawsuit, mediation work 77% of the time. In addition a mediation allows the parties, the advantage of privacy meaning that if you go to court, And you're presenting evidence and documents and testimony. All that's a public record So anything that you say can be out there in the public record for anybody to see or read about, and some things in a lawsuit you might want to keep private we're mediation. It's considered a private venue where the parties can say or do pretty much anything they want and it doesn't become a public record. So mediation works more than three-quarters of the time and it's private and it's a whole lot cheaper and quicker than fully going to court.

Mediation Is Successful In 77% Of Lawsuits
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