Mechanic's Lien & Civil Lien Processes For Vehicle Title Transfer

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How do you recoup your losses if you've worked on a vehicle, but the owner hasn't paid or picked up the car? In this episode, we'll discuss how to file a mechanic's lien or civil lien to obtain the title for a vehicle in that you've invested significant time and money without receiving proper payment.

…So you have a vehicle that you need to get a title for Maybe you've done some work on the vehicle Maybe did some brake work or transmission work. Maybe you've stored the vehicle for somebody. Maybe they left it on your property and never came back for it How do you get a title without having a bill of sale or some transfer? form to give you the vehicle Well, you have two options You could do a mechanics lien. Or you can do a civil lien. If you're a licensed automotive facility you have the privilege and authority to do a mechanics lien using your automotive license. If you are a civilian or a private individual, you can do a civil lien. What's the difference between a mechanics lien and a civil lien on a vehicle, or even a storage lien on a vehicle. We are Here's how it works. If you are a licensed automotive facility. You can use your repair licensed dealers licensed body shop license to go through the mechanics lien. Or garage holders lean process. You send some notices to the owner She sends some notices to the DMV. And you file that with the licensing authority and they give you a title. The licensing authority in your state normally called department of motor vehicles or department of licensing Sometimes it's called department of transportation in some states is a loud. To grant you a legal title certificate. Based on your affidavit. And your automotive license…If you do not have an automotive license. The department of motor vehicles can't give you a title but. You can go over their head. You could do a civil lien and have the court magistrate with the court. Sign an order of judgment. To force. The department of motor vehicles to give you a title. So you can check out our website lien It'll give you instructions on both of those, but more importantly, you want to make sure that you have. The correct documents to present either to the DMV. Or to the county clerk…If it's a civil lien it goes directly to the county clerk. What do you need to have Well, you need to have the VIN number of that vehicle. You need to have your driver's license in your identity. You need to file a petition or a complaint whichever it is in your county every county does a different. Two. Ask that magistrate or that clerk to declare you to be the owner of the vehicle based on your word based on your story. Most cases you don't have to file a title bond. either to get a civil lien process started. It's like…going over the head of the DMV If you've been getting the run around from department of motor vehicles or getting the run-around from the title division. You can go over their head. Go to the clerk of court have them give you a judgment of ownership. Slap that on the counter at the DMV. With a civil lien and get the title in your name Now this is not going to work if the car's reported stolen or if you have no right to this vehicle, but it does. in many cases erase. Financial institution loan So if the person had a car loan with Wells Fargo, this can override that. If done properly. So using the civil lien process or mechanics lien is a way to leapfrog over title bureaucracy or red tape In fact…Some automotive shops. We'll use a civil lien even when they can…technically do a mechanics lien sometimes civil liens are more direct. Sometimes they, Will Trump over what the DMV says for our mechanics lane So we have a lot of clients that are repair shops that just. Skip right over doing a mechanics lien and go right to a civil lien even though technically they have the privilege. And authority to do a mechanics lien. They will jump right to a civil lien to get a title for a vehicle. Check out a website If you have any questions you can put comments below or email our help desk.

Mechanic's Lien & Civil Lien Processes For Vehicle Title Transfer
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