Mastering SEO: Boosting Revenue with Winning Strategies

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So, how badly do you want more customers for your business? Well, depending on what kind of business you have, there are many ways to do this. Here's a perfect example from a marketing strategy that increased monthly organic traffic three times — actually, more like five times. They went from 37,000 visitors a month to 210,000. Think about it: if you have the same conversion rate on that traffic, your sales would go up by five times. Whatever your Topline revenue is, it's multiplied by five. And more than likely, you will actually have higher conversions because the more traffic you get, the more you can polish up your sales pitch, the more you can polish up your UX on your website, you can do things with your add-ons. So, it's more likely you're going to go up five or six times.

Your video will be back in 8 seconds. In the meantime, remember you have access to live one-on-one consultation, undivided attention of a licensed, certified expert in this subject and many others. We want to listen to your story, we want to hear your questions, and give you expert advisement of your options. We want to tell you what we know about your situation and what options you have. Now, back to your video that's just going to blow your revenue right out of the water. You're going to have huge, huge sales and Topline numbers that you can then keep. A lot of your same retention and more than likely, you won't have to increase your expenses by five times. You can do economy of scale, maybe increase your expenses 50-60% and have a huge increase in your net profit.

The main thing is looking at what are your options: targeting high search keywords, brand mentions, digital PR. You can get more information on our website, Or if you want to do a consultation, use Actual Human to set up a live one-on-one personal, undivided attention consultation about your business with a certified digital marketing expert. And we can see what options might be good for your business. Thank you for watching another video at and Describe.TV.

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Mastering SEO: Boosting Revenue with Winning Strategies
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