Lumber Producers Punched By Low Board Prices

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What's the news with lumber prices? Lumber prices have gone so low that some mills are starting to cut back production because it’s not really worth the investment to cut the raw materials into lumber based on the current pricing.

Lumber prices have gone so low that some mills are starting to cut back production because it's not really worth. The investment to cut the raw lumber to the Lama. Raw materials into lumber based on the current pricing And sometimes that curtailment as they call it is resulting in higher prices Again So according to the wall street journal, some sawmills are cutting production in a bid to lift lumber prices. The…list of Soyers who are doing this as. you have Interfor canned four and west Frazier timber have announced curtailments temporary and permanent in British Columbia. They had a log strike but also Oregon Warehouser had a strike of lumber producers. What this says is that. the downtime shows that would producers are betting that the plunge in single family housing. Is not just temporary It's a trend not a blip And they'll have to slow down production considerably. to keep lumber prices from crashing. So the mills are…act taking action and actively reducing their volume. To make it worthwhile to cut lumber And this is going to have a ripple effect on the labor market On shipping on truck transport even, rail yards are going to have less lumber to ship So. The lumber prices having dropped is having a domino effect within the industry. And. Making it harder again for builders to get materials even at the lower prices. Tell us what the scenario is in your neck of the woods. Are the prices staying low Are they bouncing back up in Is there any shortage of different types of materials?

Lumber Producers Punched By Low Board Prices
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